The Tale of the Fate Reader

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On a breezy, cool night at the Mardi Gras parade in New Orleans, Louisiana. Marina Falchuk and her best friends, Jamie, Felicia, and Kat walk down the French Quarters, looking for some fun. Marina looks around the joyous, colorful streets until she sees a man wearing a jester mask, watching her from afar. She looks at him in awe, curious about who he is,

"I'm fucking telling you. These Mardi Gras parades are getting nuts. I don't know what kind of drug they put into this place, but it's working," Kat said.

"Whatever it is, it just makes the vibes of New Orleans even better than what it is already," Jamie says. Felicia looks at Marina, but she becomes curious to see who she's watching.

"Hey, Marina, who are you looking at?" Felicia asks. Marina looks back at Felicia and laughs,

"Oh, it's nobody. Just looking at the crazy people here," Marina says. Felicia looks back, only to see a mysterious man watching them and waving at them,

"Uh-huh, sure. He seems like he caught your eye bestie." Felicia says, Marina rolls her eyes and watches him again, but this time he enters a shop. The loud bell rings as the door opens and Marina becomes curious. She walks to the shop and sees a place called 'Mr. T's House of Decay'.

"Hey guys, you wanna go inside?" Marina asks. The girls walk to Marina looking at the building.

"Hell yeah, it could be some witch shop here! Let's check it out—" Kat says.

"I don't know, it seems kinda creepy guys," Jamie says.

"Oh, relax. It could be some herbal shop like the rest of the shops here. It's probably nothing bad, come on," Felicia says. The girls enter the shop. They look around the place. It was dark and haunting, the scent of fresh books filled their nose, along with a sweet scent of oils and plants.

"This place is beautiful," Marina says.

"Oh my God, look at the tarot cards. They're so unique. It's not the average Rider Waithe deck. It's like a fairytale deck. I want this," Kat says excitedly, looking at the deck of cards. Marina looks at a big gold book locked behind a glass container. Her curiosity peaked until a door opens and closes, and a man walks out from the back, watching the girls.

"Can I help you, ladies?" He asks. The girls look back at the man. The man takes his jester mask off, smiling at them. Marina looks at the man in awe,

"No, no, we were just curious about this place. It's beautiful, really," Marina says. The man laughs,

"Thank you. I'm Mr. T, I own this shop, but you madams can call me either Taehyung or Tae for short," he says. The girls look at the man, smiling and introducing themselves,

"May I interest you ladies in a reading? I have nothing else to do and it's almost time for me to go home. Free of charge of course," Tae says, smiling at the girls.

"Hell yeah, sign us up," Kat says excitedly,

"I don't know about this Kat. I'm scared," Jamie said.

"Don't be. Tarot tells the future, but it's up to you to change the energy so it won't have to be that way. Energies always changing, so nothing is set in stone," Tae says calmly. Jamie takes a deep breath, in a much better mood,

"That gives me hope, okay let's do it!" Jamie says. Everyone enters the backroom. The place is dark, and red, but has a calming effect on the girls. They enter the room, a beautiful fancy red room with a gorgeous table with tarot cards, an astrology board, and candles grace the presence. The room was filled with a sensual aroma that graces the ladies' nostrils.

"Shall we begin?" Tae asks the girls. The girls shake their heads in excitement as Tae starts his card reading,

"What is it that you ladies would like to know about?" Tae asks, shuffling the cards gracefully.

"Oh, I know. Can I find out if I'm going to get that job I've been wanting for so long?" Kat asks. Tae shuffles his cards once again and pulls three. It was the Ace of Pentacles, Seven of Pentacles, and Temperance.

"It appears you will but be patient. It seems like they are choosing their potential candidates, you're more likely part of them," Tae says. Kat claps in excitement, and the ladies become excited. Felicia and Jamie finish their questions and now it's time for Marina to answer hers,

"What is set for my future?" Marina asks. Tae shuffles his cards and looks at Marina seductively. He pulls out three cards. The Tower, Death, and The Devil,

"Holy shit Marina..." Kat says. Marina gives Kat a death stare and Tae tries to calm her down,

"Don't worry. I'll interpret this. It seems like there is chaos happening, but a breakthrough is near. You may be going through a rebirth; change is near but, be careful of who you trust. There may be issues arising because of this but you will pull through." Tae finishes. Marina looks at the cards in awe, hoping everything will go well.

"Thank you, Tae," Marina says. Tae smiles at her and winks,

"Anytime," he says. He takes his cards.

"Wow, this was an experience. We should come back here," Felicia says. The girls stand up and leave the room until Tae stops Marina from leaving,

"Excuse me, Marina, can you come here please?" He speaks. Marina walks back into the room,

"What's up?" She asks.

"I was wondering if you would like to go to dinner with me tomorrow night. I would love to get to know you better," he says. Marina was in awe of his request, but decides to take it,

"Of course, I would love to," Marina says. Tae grins,

"Good! So, say tomorrow night at 7?" he asks.

"Sure of course," Marina agrees. Marina gives Tae her number, and he gives her his. They smile at each other, and he kisses her cheek.

"See you then," he says, going back to his table. Marina leaves the room and sees the girls smiling at her mischievously.

"What?" Marina asks.

"Girl don't "what" us. Come on tell us what happened!" Felicia says. Marina rolls her eyes and tells the girls what happened as they walk out of the store. While this is happening, Tae is watching her from afar, grinning sinisterly. He knew he had her wrapped around his finger.

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