The Tale of the Gray Pianist: Part 3

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Grace and Melanie sit in the living room, watching TV. Grace kisses Melanie's head, happy that she's doing much better than she was before,

"Hey, I'm going to get some popcorn. I'll be right back, okay?" Melanie said.

"Okay," Grace says smiling at Melanie. Melanie goes to the kitchen and gets the popcorn but gets the sudden feeling that she's being watched. She looks around and looks at the mirror in the dining room, she sees that no one is there and it's only her,

"Mel, is everything okay in there?" Grace asks. Melanie looks back and sighs,

"Yeah, everything is fine," Melanie says as she looks back at the mirror and sees a mysterious and handsome man giving her a deadly stare. Melanie falls to the ground and looks at the man in horror,

"You disturbed my sleep. You ruined my home," the man says. He gets closer to Melanie, and she gulps, watching the man.

"Now, I will make sure you and your little girlfriend suffer," he says with a smile on his face. Melanie shakes her head quickly, sweat dripping from her face. The man nods his head,

"Poor little girl, you have no idea what you've gotten yourself into. I'm in your head, I'm in your body, I'm in your soul. I will make sure you will suffer," The man says with black veins on his face and sharp teeth barring. Melanie screams in horror,

"Mel!" Grace yells running to the dining room. She sees Melanie on the floor crying and hugs her,

"What happened? Mel, what happened?" Grace asks.

"Grace...there was this man. He said he was inside my head," Mel says. Grace looks at suspiciously,

"Mel, come on. Let's get you to the living room," Grace says dragging her in the living room. Meanwhile, Grace gives Melanie water. She drinks it and sighs. Grace looks at Melanie suspiciously, ever since they've gone to that house Melanie started to act suspicious. Grace sits on the couch and stares,

"Mel, I have a question I need to ask you," Grace says.

"What's wrong?" Mel says.

Grace sighs, "When you were playing that piano, what did you see? I saw you staring at something," Melanie looks down and cries.

"I don't know, I can't tell you," Melanie says.

"Try me," Grace says. Melanie takes a deep breath.

"There was this man I saw. He was very handsome, I was entranced by his beauty until I felt a strong force inside me. I didn't remember anything else afterward," Melanie said. Grace looks down. She knew she had a feeling something was inside that house,

"But I'm feeling better now. You don't have to worry about me, Grace. I feel good," Melanie said. Grace nods slowly,

"Okay, I trust you," Grace says. They kiss each other and smile.

"I think we should go back to class," Melanie said. Grace laughs.

"Yeah, let's head back," Grace says, as they both get up and get ready for class. While getting ready, Grace gets the strangest feeling that she was being watched. She looked around the living room and sees no one there. Grace brushes off the feeling and leaves the house.

One hour later

Grace and Melanie enter the classroom and sit down for their musical class. Grace takes out her clarinet and Melanie takes out her violin. As soon as they take out their instruments, their professor walks in.

"Hello class, I'm Professor Anderson. It's time to get ready for our musical number for Habanera," he says, taking out his music sheets. The students prepare for their musical numbers and Grace and Melanie smiles at each other and get ready for the performance.

"1...2...3!" Professor Anderson says as the students start to play. Habanera starts to play; a beautiful harmony fills the room. Grace plays her clarinet softly and Melanie plays her violin with grace. Until suddenly she starts to feel strange, she starts to sweat profusely and play faster. Grace looks at Melanie strangely, playing her clarinet. The flow of her fingers starts to become faster and faster. The music plays louder, Melanie moans softly and plays faster. The students watch her strangely, playing their parts. Professor Anderson watches her,

"Miss. Patterson?" he asks. Melanie keeps playing, eyes widen, sweat dripping down her face, fingers going faster and faster. Until the music stops, and Melanie cuts her finger, blood spills all over the violin. Melanie screams, Grace rushes over to her to take care of her,

"Melanie, come on let's get home," Grace gets Melanie and their stuff, leaving the classroom. The professor and students watched them in horror. Grace and Melanie walk to the car and Melanie laughs sinisterly while licking the blood off her fingers.

"The hell is wrong with you—" Grace asks shockingly.

"No, what the hell is wrong with you. Why are we fucking leaving?" Melanie says mockingly. Grace looks at Melanie with a shocking look.

"No...we gotta go, we have to go, Mel," Grace says.

"Go where Grace?" Melanie says.

"To the fucking hospital! You look like shit, puking black shit, licking your blood like you're at a goddamn candy shop—"

"Gracey poo, please. I'll be okay. I'm going home and I'll make sure I'll be okay. You stay, I'll be fine." Melanie says sinisterly walking back to the house,

"Mel!" Grace says. Melanie shoots a bird and walks back to the house. Grace sighs in annoyance until someone taps her shoulder,

"Oh, Jesus Christ—" Grace says and sees the professor.

"I'm sorry, I was just making sure everything was okay." Professor Anderson says. Grace starts to cry,

"It's not, my girlfriend is in trouble. I tried to take her to the hospital, but she wouldn't budge. I don't know what to do," Grace says and falls to the ground.

"Come on, let's get to the classroom. I have some questions." Professor Anderson says as he picks her up and takes her back inside the school.

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