Interlude Part 2

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Dahlia stares at the picture in horror. Kayla looks around for a trash can, feeling nauseous.

"Holy shit, I can't take this..." Kayla says as she finds a trash can and vomits. Esme laughs,

"Oh, didn't I tell you he was worse than the scientist? But we're not done yet," Kayla looks at the woman in horror,

"How much more do we have? This motherfucker taxidermy his lover?" Dahlia says. Esme walks over to the next painting and smiles,

"Oh, I loved this story. He was a haunting fellow," Esme says. Dahlia and Kayla look at the handsome man. Dahlia looks at the violin, covered in blood.

"What the hell did he do?" she asks.

"He was disturbed by the outside forces, he only wanted peace and quiet. But that all changed that one fateful night. And made sure he got his peace and quiet," Esme says. Dahlia and Kayla looks at the painting curiously,

"Ladies, I present to you. Possibly the most fucked up, psychological event that has ever taken place. I call this story, the tale of the gray pianist," Esme says, and they all dive deep into the tale that'll descend them into madness.

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