The Tale of the Shadow Hacker: Part 4

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Olivia and Seokjin arrive at the apartment. They enter the building and head to her apartment room. As they reach the door, Olivia looks for her keycard and mistakenly drops it,

"Please, let me," Seokjin picks up her keycard and opens the door. Olivia smiles,

"Thank you, Seokjin," They enter the apartment and sit their items down.

"I'm going to the kitchen. Do you want anything?" She asks. Seokjin looks at her apartment keycard and puts it in his pocket,

"Yeah, a glass of water is fine," he said. Seokjin smiles to himself and looks around the apartment. Olivia walks back to her living room and gives Seokjin his water,


"You're welcome. I'm going to head to the shower, let me know if you need anything." She speaks and walks to the bathroom. Seokjin looks back at her and smirks,

A few minutes later

Olivia turns on the shower and takes her clothes off. She enters the shower and washes herself off.

Meanwhile, Seokjin walks down her hallway, looking for her bathroom. He hears water running from down the hall. He walks to the door and slowly opens it. He looks around and sees the shower curtains closed and hears Olivia singing softly. He slowly walks up to it and touches the curtains softly, smiling at her singing voice, and touches himself. He slowly unzips his pants until the doorbell rings. Seokjin quickly leaves the bathroom and runs to the door and opens it.

"Hello! I'm here to fix the lighting for Miss. Olivia Matthews and Miss. Kai Williams," the man says. Seokjin watches the electrician curiously,

"Yeah, sure. Come on in," he said. The electrician comes in and Olivia walks to the front room,

"Oh good, you arrived!" she said, running towards him.

"Hey Olivia, how are you and Kai?" he asks.

"We're doing great! Just been waiting for you to come in,"

The electrician smiles at Olivia, "Well, I'm here and I'm ready to fix the problem," he said. Olivia smiles at the man, but Seokjin gives him a deadly stare. Suddenly, Kai enters the apartment and smiles at everyone,

"Hey, guys! Oh, hey Seokjin! Fancy seeing you here," she said.

"Hmm, likewise," he says in annoyance. The electrician gets started and Olivia, Kai, and Seokjin walk to the living room to talk. Seokjin decides to leave to buy some snacks and the ladies wait for him. After a few hours, the electrician finishes the lighting and makes his exit.

"Okay, that about does it! Olivia, it's good to see you again," the electrician says with a dreamy look to her,

"Likewise, and thank you for helping us," Olivia says smiling at him, along with Kai. Seokjin gives the electrician a deadly look and eats his ramen. The electrician looks at him and becomes curious about him but brushes it off and leaves.

"Well, that takes care of the lighting," Kai said, "Now we can get ready for tonight,"

"What happens tonight?" Seokjin asks.

"Oh, Olivia and I were planning on going to a party tonight. It's actually Brina's birthday bash," Kai says. Seokjin smiles, "Ah, looks like I'll be with you guys tonight because I'll be there as well," he said.

"Really? Well, I can't wait to see you there. Well, we gotta get ready,"

"Ah, it's no problem. I gotta get ready too, I'll see you girls tonight," he asks. The ladies nod and Seokjin leaves the apartment,

"He's a sweetheart," Olivia says.

"Yeah, I see. Hey Olivia, have you noticed the strange behavior Jin was having when that electrician was here?" Kai asks. Olivia becomes curious,

"Well, it was kinda strange," she said.

"Meh, I guess we're just overthinking it. Come on, let's get ready!" Kai says heading to the room, Olivia looks back at Kai and thinks about her statement. She realized that Seokjin was acting strange while the electrician was there. She brushes it off and heads to her room to get ready.

2 hours later

The electrician was looking at his notes after a long day of work. He takes out his vape and smokes it, taking a nice deep breath.

"What a day," he sighs while thinking about Olivia. He continues to vape until a black SUV drives up behind his van closely. The electrician looks at his window, a bright light shines from his rearview mirror.

"What the fuck?" he says. He gets pulls his window down and "Run Rabbit Run" plays from the black SUV,

"Hey motherfucker, turn down your fucking music and get off my ass!" the electrician says. The music continues to play, and the electrician gets out of the car and walks to the mysterious person's car. He looks inside and sees that there's no one there. The electrician walks back to his car and enters it, curious as to who's car was behind him,

"What the fuck?" he says. Until he gets the sudden feeling that someone was watching him. He looks around the car and looks in his back seat, there was nothing. Suddenly the car lights turn off, the electrician looks at the car in horror, but the music still plays.

"Who the fuck is here?" he screams. The electrician gets out of his car once again and looks around,

"Alright pussy, show yourself!" he screams. Until a sharp butcher knife goes through his heart, the man screams and falls to the ground. He drags himself to get some help and the mysterious person slowly walks behind him and watches him struggle, playing with their knife.

"Run Rabbit Run Rabbit, Run Run Run," the person sings, mocking him,

"Help me! Someone please!" the electrician says,

"Oh my god, shut up—" the person says stabbing him in the back, consistently. Blood splatters all on their mask as they laugh. The person stands up, looks at the lifeless body, and takes their phone out. They take the picture of the dead man and smile, keeping the picture in the files. The person drags the body to the truck and enters the car, driving off.

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