The Tale of the Mystic Strategist: Part 2

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One hour later

The gang drinks their alcohol while kissing each other, singing, and dancing. Everyone has the grand time of their lives. Meanwhile, in the back, Bethany looks at the sea in awe. Never has she seen anything so beautiful. She smiles in awe until someone walks up to her,

"Hey," the mysterious man says.

"Hey there," Bethany speaks.

"Is this seat taken?" the man asks. Bethany shakes her head, saying no. The man sits down, smiling at her.

"Hey, I'm Kyle. What's your name?" he asks.

"Bethany, it's nice to meet you,"

"Nice to meet you too. So, are you new here Bethany?" he asks. Bethany nods her head, saying yes. Kyle and Bethany start to get to know each other until Gavin whistles at everyone.

"Alright, alright, gather round everyone! I'm here to tell you a story," Gavin said.

"Gavin please, what is it can you possibly tell us?" Natalia says holding onto Kevin,

"Now, hold on now. I may be drunk, but I am sober enough to scare you guys since we're in the buttfuck middle of nowhere. Now, this story is dozy, come on!" Gavin says, drinking his whiskey. Everyone gets together, curious about Gavin's story,

"Now, since we're all here. Lemme tell you the story of the S.S. Bishop. The ship was known to be one of the biggest ships on the San Diego coast, but some weird shit happened," Gavin says. Bethany listens to Gavin's story curiously. She never knew about the S.S. Bishop after all the research she's done,

"The place was haunted. Lots of crazy shit happened. People got possessed, killed, and even went missing. Never to be found until one night two sailors tried to run away from this weird entity that was following them. They were killed on impact trying to get away," Gavin says. Everyone looks at each other curiously. Bethany listens to the story until suddenly she sees something from the corner of her eye. Bethany looks at the sea and sees a strange boat out in the ocean. Her blood starts to run cold. She had a strange feeling that something was wrong.

"The man was like some sort of pirate. Stealing shit from the rich, keeping it for himself and his crew," Gavin says. Bethany watches the boat come closer. Jasmine looks at Bethany curiously, wondering what was going on.

"Hey Beth," Jasmine says. Bethany looks at her, "What's going on? What are you looking at...guys..." Jasmine said, Bethany points at the boat coming quickly towards them, everyone looks at the boat coming,

"Hey motherfucker slow down!" Gavin screams.

"Fuck this, let's go!" Kevin says getting in the driver's seat. He turns on the boat,

"Quickly man hurries," Gavin screams. The men's voices start to get louder, singing "Everybody Plays the Fool" by The Main Ingredient. Kevin sails off quickly trying to get away from the men,

"What the fuck Kevin!" Natalia yells.

"Natalia shut the fuck up. We're being chased!" Kevin says sailing quickly away from the men. The men chase after them, hot on their tails.

"Come on, come on, come on, let's go!" Kevin screams. The mysterious man takes his gun and points it at the boat. He whistles loudly. The gang looks at them, frightened.

"Guys!" Kyle screams. Suddenly the man shoots the boat's engine multiple times causing a small explosion.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, please God no..." Kevin says. The boat stops working, and the lights go out. The gang looks at each other with horror in their eyes.

"Is it over?" Natalia asks quietly. Suddenly, a huge knock comes on the side of the boat. Almost as if the men were hitting it constantly, and sure enough they did. The men laugh and hit the boat once again,

"Come on buddies, we just wanna have fun!" The mysterious man says. Gavin looks out the window and sees the men hitting the boat. He holds onto the rail and stares in horror.

"Okay! We'll let you in! Just stop it!" Gavin screams. The knocking stops, everyone looks at each other in horror and suddenly heavy footsteps enter the top of the boat. A heavy knock comes from outside the door.

"Open up bitch!" The man says knocking harder. He sighs in annoyance.

"Fine, you asked for it," he says. Suddenly he kicks the door down, knocking Gavin to the floor. Jasmine runs toward him, but a shotgun was pointed toward her face. Jasmine slowly gets up and backs away from Gavin,

"Ah ah ah, we don't want to do that. Don't we dear?" The man says sadistically, laughing at her. One of the men points the shotgun at Gavin's face and pulls him up. The man looks at everyone with a sharp smile on his face, excited to see everyone.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here? A group of kids having fun, well not technically kids but still," he says.

"Who are you?" Bethany asks. The man looks at Bethany seductively, smiling at her.

"Why dear, I am Jung Hoseok. Captain of the S.S. Bishop. And you are?" He asks her, slowly walking towards her, touching her hair with the gun.

"Leave her alone—" Jasmine says. Suddenly a gunshot enters the ceiling, Hoseok watches everyone, smiling at them with his gun pointing to the top. Everyone gets closer to each other.

"I didn't ask you, I asked her. Now, what's your name dear?" Hoseok asks again.

"Bethany," she says. Hoseok smiles at her, caressing her cheek with his gun.

"It's lovely to meet you, my dear," Hoseok says smiling dreamily at her. He walks away from her, looking at her and smiling back.

"Now, since you all know my name. I think you probably know what I want." Hoseok says, smiling at everyone sinisterly. His men laugh and take out their weapons. The gang crowd together,

"Wait man, wait!" Kevin screams. Hoseok rolls his eyes.

"What the fuck do you want?" He asks.

"Why the hell are you doing this, man?" Kevin asks. Hoseok laughs, along with his crew.

"Why am I doing this?" Hoseok asks until he points his gun in Kevin's face, "Because I fucking want to," he says as he turns the safety off the gun,

"Wait wait—" Kevin screams but Hoseok shoots him in the head. Blood splatters all over the wall, along with Natalia. Natalia screams in horror, touching her face and seeing her dead boyfriend, lying on the ground. Hoseok looks back at everyone with a hateful stare. Bethany looks at him in fear, praying he wouldn't do anything to them,

"Now, I have a special place we can go to. Dave, gather everyone. We have something special for this crew," Hoseok says as one of his men tells the gang to leave the boat. They all leave to go to the other boat. While leaving, Bethany watches Hoseok with watchful eyes, curious as to what he'll do next. Bethany quickly looks away when Hoseok looks back at her and smiles seductively. They all enter the other boat, getting ready to arrive at their destination,

"Alright men, let's head out," Hoseok says. The man drives off to an unknown location. The gang looks at each other in horror, not knowing where they'll be heading.

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