The Tale of the Alley Cat: Part 3

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Reggie and Destiny go back inside the Kitty Kat Club. They enter the club, only for them to realize that no one is there. They look at each other in horror, wondering where everyone is.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" Destiny yells.

"Does this place usually close this early?" Reggie asks.

"No, we close later than this. It's 7:30, it's usually packed around this time," Destiny says nervously. Reggie takes out his gun, looking around the place. Destiny looks around the bar, seeing a small note. She picks up the note and reads it, her eyes widen in horror,

"Dear Destiny,

We've received word about a nearby killing that has taken place from the club. We decided to close the shop due to a curfew put in place. Please make sure everything is cleaned up and close the place.

Be safe,


"Reg? Can you come here? It would be best if you saw this," Destiny says. Reggie walks over to Destiny,

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"The note..." Destiny says, giving him the note. Reggie reads it, staring in horror.

"The hell? What they were—" Reggie says but the TV comes on out of nowhere. A breaking news story was shown on the screen,

"Breaking news coming from WNAC 12. Another murder has taken place in the city of New York. A young woman who has been identified as Carolyn Whitaker, who worked at a nearby tattoo shop was found dead. An older man has also been identified as David Monroe; a retired police officer has also been found dead. The two were originally at a nearby tattoo place not far from the local Kitty Kat bar. More details will come soon. Have a good evening." The news anchor finishes, and the TV turns off.

"Carolyn..." Destiny says with a terrifying tone in her voice. Reggie looks around the place, curious as to who was there.

"What the fuck is going on?" Reggie says. He turns the safety on for his gun, looking around the place.

"Come on, Destiny. We must go. Now!" Reggie says, dragging Destiny out of the bar. They exit the bar and run towards the car,

"Destiny, who was Carolyn?"

"Carolyn was my best friend. She always knew about the murders that took place, but she knew too much. I'm scared, Reggie—"

"Calm down Destiny. I promise we'll get this bastard. Okay?" Reggie says. Destiny nods her head, hoping that they'll be able to find her. They run to Reggie's car and enter. Reggie tried to start it, but there was no response.

"God damnit. Turn on!" Reggie screams. Destiny looks around, suddenly she sees a mysterious figure playing with a knife. Destiny stares in horror,

"Reggie, we need to leave. Now! Someone is out there!" Destiny says. Reggie looks at the window and sees the mysterious man watching them. Reggie goes through his stuff, only to find a few weapons inside his car. He finds another gun, a switchblade, and pepper spray.

"Here, we should be good with this. Come on!" Reggie says, getting out of the car. The couple gets out of the car, looking at the mysterious man. He starts to walk towards them, whistling a song and twirling his knife. A man wearing a cat mask, smirks as he walks faster behind them. The couple runs away from the man, hoping to find a way to get to the police station,

"Where are we going?" Destiny asks.

"Police station. We should be able to find someone to help us there. Hopefully, we'll be able to put him in a cell, let's go," Reggie says as they rush to find the nearby police station. J watches the couple run away from them, snickering. He takes his phone out, calling someone.

"They're rushing to the police station. I added the tracking devices on their stuff. We should be able to find them, talk soon," J says, hanging up the phone, continuing to find the couple.


Reggie and Destiny manage to find the police station. They enter the place, rushing to the receptionist.

"Hello, how can I— Reggie! Oh my god—" the receptionist says but was cut off by Reggie,

"Rachel, call in the guards now! The Alley Cat Killer is after us!" Reggie says.

"Oh my god. Code Red. Code Red. Lock all the doors, now!" Rachel says. The guards lock the place down, with some going outside, looking for the killer.

"Reggie, I need to talk to you. Right now, it's about the killer," Rachel says, she gets up and walks to the back. Reggie and Destiny decide to follow her, wondering what she wanted.

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