The Tale of the Fate Reader: Ending (Finale)

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The beautiful sun shines from afar as Marina watches the scene, hoping to find someone to pick her up. A car drives up and Marina manages to hitchhike her way to the car. She enters the car,

"Hello, I need help. Please get me to the hospital,"

"Sure, let's go," The nice man says as he drives off. Marina looks at the hospital far away, thankful that she got away from Tae and Yoongi,

"What happened to you?" The man asks. Suddenly Marina gets the sudden feeling that she was being watched once again.


"What?" The man asks,

"I said drive! He coming after us,"

"What are you talking about dear?"

"He's coming after me, I can feel him. Please drive!" Marina screams. The man drives faster. Marina sighs in relief, knowing that feeling was gone,

"What was that about dear?" The man asks. Marina's heart sunk to her stomach. She looks at the man, the voice sounded eerily familiar,


"What was that about? You were freaked out," The man says but his face twitches a bit, "But you don't have to answer," the man says and suddenly stabs Marina's stomach repeatedly. Marina coughs and the man smiles. Marina goes lifeless. He turns into Taehyung,

"At last Marina, I always get the last laugh," Tae says, driving away in the sunrise.

The next day

Tae puts his golden book on the stand, looking at it with a glimmer in his eyes. He turns on the lights in his shop and looks around. He walks up to his balcony and watches the citizens enjoying their day. He thinks about all that he went through and sighs. The joy of twisting people's minds became a rush for him, he knew this was a job that he'll never stop.

Suddenly, a group of men walks down the street looking at the shops at the quarters. One of the men becomes curious about one of the shops and walks toward it. Tae leaves the balcony and goes to answer the door,

"Hey guys, check out this place," the guy says.

"Mr. T's House of Decay? Sounds creepy," the other guy says. The guy becomes curious about the shop,

"We should go in—" one of the other guys said until the door opens. Tae looks at the men with excitement,

"Well, well. How can I help you guys?" Tae asks the men,

"Hey, we're curious about this place and we're new to New Orleans. We want to see what this shop is all about. I'm Cameron by the way, that David, Liam, and Marcus," Cameron says, introducing everyone. Tae becomes fascinated by Cameron's energy,

"Well, you've come to the right place. Would you like a tarot reading? Free of charge of course," Tae asks. The guys look at each other with excitement,

"Sure, why not!" Cameron says as he and the guys enter the shop. Tae watches the men enter the shop and smirks, knowing he got them under his sleeve. Tae and the men enter the back room and look at the beautiful sight,

"Have a seat," Tae says. The guys all sit down, along with Tae,

"So, who wants to go first?" Tae asks. Cameron raises his hand and Tae becomes intrigued by Cameron's excitement. Tae shuffles the cards and suddenly four cards pull out,

"The Lovers, Death, The Devil, and Seven of Wands," Tae looks up at Cameron with a curious look in his eyes,

"Hey, these cards are a bit suspicious. What's happening?" Cameron asks. Tae smiles and gets closer to the guys,

"Cameron, you seem like a strong person. I have a feeling we all are going to get along just fine," Taehyung says laughing at the guys. He was excited to see his new journey with these guys and knew that this was going to be the start of a beautiful, fucked friendship.

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