The Tale of the Alley Cat: Ending (Finale)

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Destiny rushes to the entrance of the building. She tries to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. She suddenly gets an idea and finds a chair. She takes the chair and throws it at the door, only for it to shatter completely,

"Freedom," Destiny says until suddenly someone pulls her hair and throws her to the ground, smirking at her.

"You thought you were going to have your freedom, huh? Not on my watch," Jimin says dragging her. Destiny struggles to get out of his grip and does it with success. She runs out of the building and down the street. Destiny looks around, hoping to find some help. Destiny finds a police officer, talking to someone else and rushes to talk to him,

"Please, help me. There's been a massacre at the police station! There's a killer after me—" Destiny says.

"Hold on, calm down. A killer? What are you talking about?" the officer asks her.

"There's a serial killer on the loose. The Alley Cat killer attacked us at the station!" Destiny says, the officer turns on his walkie-talkie, hoping to hear from someone,

"10-4, copy. Can you hear me, over?" the officer says but there was no response. The officer looks at Destiny in horror, wondering what's going on,

"Come on, let's go. We need to go back to the station—"

"No, no no no no no, we can't. I can't go back there, my friend, he's dead and everyone is dead. I can't," Destiny says.

"Relax, dear. Come on,"

"Please, don't drag me back there. God please," Destiny says. The officer drags her to the car until suddenly someone slits the officer's throat, and he falls to the ground, lifeless. Jimin smiles at Destiny, sinisterly.

"You thought you were going to get away from me?" Jimin says, walking up to her and cleaning his knife.

"Just do it, just fucking kill me. I don't give a shit anymore. You get off to this kind of shit, you might as well do it," Destiny says, giving Jimin a hateful stare,

"Now Destiny, that's not fun. Giving up on me like that, thinking I'll just "kill you" on the spot with your permission? Where's the fun in that my love?" Jimin asks.

"I'm saying you jerk off to the thought of possibly murdering me, you might as well do it," Destiny says, smirking at him. Jimin gives Destiny a confused stare,

"Well, my dear. If you insist," Jimin walks up to her with his knife. He quickly tries to slash her throat, until she stops him and throws him to the ground. Destiny takes her switchblade and starts slashing him in the face and arms, hoping to cause a lot of bleeding. Until Jimin stops her and slashes her throat with his knife, blood falls on his face as she falls to the ground, holding her throat.

"You did try it my dear, but I'm sorry. I still got the last laugh. Demon spawn," Jimin says, stabbing her in the stomach, repeatedly watching her lifeless eyes. Jimin finishes his kill and falls to the ground, watching his work. He stands up and hears the ambulance coming towards the station. Jimin realizes his reign of terror is finally over and runs to his safety.

One month later

Seoul, South Korea

Jimin enters his apartment, putting his food down. After the massacre he committed, he realized that he needed to go back home to prevent himself from getting into any more trouble. Jimin walks to his roommate's room, only to find Seokjin looking at his computer, staring at his next target.

"Seokjinnie, you're still finding targets?" Jimin asks.

"I have to find the perfect one, but they're not as perfect as her," Seokjin says,

"That Olivia girl you killed?" Jimin asks.

"I told you, she's not dead. She's alive," Seokjin says, while Jimin gives him a frightening stare. He knew about the dark stuff he's done and became afraid of what he was capable of.

"Who's our next target, Jinnie?" Jimin asks. Seokjin looks at his computer and finds their next target, or shall we say targets.

"Grace Hawthorne and Bethany Reed, survivors of some of the deadliest massacres that have taken place," Seokjin says. Jimin smiles at their pictures, curious about the women,

"Well, well, looks like we got some interesting targets on our list. Let's keep doing our research," Jimin says,

"Gladly," Seokjin says, drinking his whiskey. Jimin walks back to the living room, sitting in his seat. He takes a bottle of whiskey and pours it inside the glass, drinking it and sighing. He knew his job of being a killer was not over, but for now, it was time for him to lay low from the massacres he's committed as the Alley Cat.

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