The Tale of the Fate Reader: Part 3

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Birds sing from the windows, waking up Marina. She looks around the room, touching her bed hair. She realizes that she was naked and becomes shocked. Marina quickly gets out of bed and realizes that Tae was nowhere to be found. She puts her clothes on, leaving to go downstairs. Marina walks downstairs, a wonderful scent reaches her nostrils, and she becomes intrigued. Marina looks around the place, only to see Tae cooking breakfast. She walks to the kitchen, curious about him. Tae suddenly turns around and smiles at her,

"Hey sleepyhead, I made breakfast if you want some," Tae says, giving her a weird grin. Marina stares at Tae in horror, but she slowly walks to the table, sitting down for her breakfast. Something in the back of her mind told her it was time to go, and Marina decides to change her mind,

"Um, I'm sorry Tae. I'm not hungry, I need to go to work today. Is it okay if we can talk later?" Marina says. Tae stops cooking, holding his spatula tightly,

"But my love. I thought you wanted to have a nice time with me?" Tae says with a strange look on his face. Marina gives Tae a shocked look; a chill went down her spine. She had a feeling that something was wrong,

"I do, but it's been a very long night. I need to get ready for work Tae, I'm sorry. Maybe we can have dinner?" Marina asks. Tae holds the spatula even tighter, angry at Marina's words. He starts to calm down and sighs,

"Sure, that's fine. We'll talk later dear. Have a good day, I guess," Tae says going back to cooking his breakfast roughly. Marina gives Tae a shocked look,

"Tae are you mad at me because I have to go to work—" Marina says. Tae throws the spatula in the sink roughly,

"Marina, if you need to go to work. Go. I need to leave too. I just wanted a pleasant breakfast with you, but you need to go to work..." Tae continues to talk, but Marina looks behind him and sees a pill bottle on the counter. Marina becomes nervous. The bastard was trying to drug her,

"Okay, I'll be going now. I'll talk to you later—"

"Yeah, sure. See ya," Tae says nonchalantly. Marina quickly leaves the house and takes a deep breath. She goes to catch an Uber. Inside the house, Tae watches Marina with an angry look on his face, holding his pill bottle tightly and crushing it with his bare hands. He thought he had her in his trap, he knew he caught her, but it was unsuccessful. He smiles at the window, chuckling sinisterly, and walks away. Tae comes up with the perfect idea,

30 minutes later

Marina enters her house and takes a deep breath. She never thought she would be in a situation like this. She runs upstairs and calls Felicia. The phone rings,

"Pick up, pick up, pick up—"

"Hello?" Felicia answers,

"Felicia, hey," Marina speaks with a panicky tone.

"Hey girl, what's wrong with you?" Felicia asks.

"It's a long story, we know—"

"Oh God Rina, you're joking?" Felicia says shockingly,

"Listen, let me explain. We had sex and I woke up this morning feeling weird. I left to go downstairs, and he was clingier than usual. Then he started to act strange, and I saw a pill bottle and—" Marina says but gets cut off by Felicia,

"Hold up, time out. A pill bottle. Was he trying to drug you or some shit?" Felicia asks angrily,

Marina gulps, "I think so," Felicia sighs angrily,

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