The Tale of the Alley Cat: Part 4

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Trigger Warning: Dark Religious Themes

Rachel, Reggie, and Destiny enter the maximum prison cell. They see all the violent criminals calling after them. Destiny becomes afraid, but Reggie calms her down,

"Why are we here?" Reggie asks.

"It's about one of the cellmates. Do you remember that man that was arrested that night from that chase?" Rachel asks.

"Yeah, of course, I was there when it happened," Reggie says. Rachel looks at him in confusion,

"You mean to tell me you were there that night? Were you one of the officers that arrested him?" Rachel asks him. Reggie was at a loss for words. Destiny stares at him in horror,

"Yes, it was me," Reggie admits,

"Oh my god," Destiny says in awe,

"We need you to talk to someone. It's important," Rachel says, dragging Reggie and Destiny to a nearby solitary cell.

"Officer, we need to talk to him. It's an emergency," Rachel said.

"What happened?" He asks.

"If you bring that man out of that cell, everything will make sense. It's for Reggie, one of our old officers," Rachel tells the guard. The guard looks at them suspiciously, walking down the hallway. The guard sends them to a dark interrogation room, they enter the room and sit down in their seats.

"We'll bring him in soon," the guard says, exiting the room.

"What's happening?" Reggie asks.

"We shouldn't say anything until he comes in," Rachel said.

"He? Who's he?" Reggie asks until the door opens once again. The guard brings in a man wearing a straitjacket and a muzzle. The man's eyes were wild and haunting, staring into their souls. He sits down in his seat, chuckling behind his muzzle. The guard removes his muzzle, letting the man speak,

"Ah, it's a pleasure to meet you again. Officer Matthews," The man says with a hateful tone.

"Who are you?" Reggie asks. The man laughs,

"Oh, Reginald. Don't you get it? It's me! I'm the bastard that you arrested that night!" The man says, "I'm Park Hye, it's lovely to meet you again," he finishes, snickering.

"Wait, you're the guy I arrested that night. Why are we speaking to you?" Reggie asks. The man laughs once again,

"Ah, I figured you didn't know huh? Well, I think it's best if I tell you this. You remember that little boy that night, yeah that's my boy. My son, he's a kicker I tell you that," Hye says.

"What does this have to do with us?" Destiny jumps in,

"Oh darling, I'm so glad you asked," Hye says, winking at her, "That boy is out to get ya! He's hunting for blood after that hellish night we dealt with. Attacking everyone involved in my arrest, killing everyone with his own bare hands," Hye finishes, snickering at them.

"And we're gonna get that son of a bitch and take him in," Reggie says but Hye laughs maniacally,

"Oh, little Reggie. You just don't know what chaos is about to rise in this little hell hole," Hye says, chuckling. He chuckles louder until suddenly; the lights turn off. The power was out inside the prison.

"What the fuck?" Destiny says. Reggie and Rachel take their guns out, Rachel turns on her flashlight only to see that Hye is gone,

"Code Red! The prisoner is out, I repeat the prisoner is out—" Rachel says but was cut off when a sharp knife goes through her stomach. The knife goes all the way up to her chest, reaching her heart. Rachel's lifeless body falls to the ground, and Reggie and Destiny look back, only to see Hye's deadly stare, grinning at the couple.

"As I said, you're in for a rude awakening. Come here now! My boy is waiting for you," Hye says. Reggie and Destiny run out of the room and run away from the maximum-security cells. They look around the place, afraid for their lives.

"How the hell are we going to get out here?" Destiny asks.

"I'm not sure, but we'll find a way let's go—" Reggie stops. The couple looks in horror at the scene in front of them. A pile of dead bodies lies on the ground, blood everywhere. Reggie and Destiny look up and sees a dead police officer hanging from a cross, with the word "Pig" craved into his stomach,

"Jesus," Reggie says in horror,

" not here to save your soul I fear," J says. Reggie and Destiny look at him in horror, cleaning his knife and chuckling.

"You know, your little piggies should know not to mess with me and my father, but now that you know, you should probably beg on your knees for forgiveness," J says, chuckling at the couple,

"You're a sick man," Destiny says.

"Oh no darling, that's your sick father who tried to attack those little girls. He shot and killed one of them, a mother who lost her child that day," J says.

"What are you talking about—"

"Destiny Moreno, or shall I call you Jayden Marie Smith? Your father was Officer Victor Nathaniel Smith, he shot and killed an innocent 5-year-old young girl when you were 11 years old. He also killed one of my father's friends during the chase. I killed that bastard because he deserved it, princess," J says, cleaning his knife nonchalantly. Destiny falls to the ground, crying, not knowing about her father's dark past.

"I don't know what to say," Destiny says.

"I do, you're the devil's spawn. You don't deserve to live," J says.

"Now wait a minute, just because that bastard did this doesn't mean she deserves it. What the hell is wrong with you?" Reggie says.

"Ah, Reginald. You're the motherfucker that took my father away from me. I came for both you and her. There are both corruptions in your blood. Why should I let you get away?" J says.

"Who the hell are you?" Reggie asks.

"Me?" J laughs, "I'm Park Jimin, son of the criminal mastermind Park Hye. I've been on a roll, killing and attacking people all night. It's been such a pleasure, especially killing your kind," Jimin finishes,

"You son of a bitch—" Reggie says but stops when Hye holds his throat. Destiny tries to stop him, but Jimin holds Destiny tightly,

"Oh, look at you "strong man", thinking you gonna kill us? Well, that ain't happening. I still got the last laugh. Ain't that right Jimin!" Hye laughs maniacally,

"Not really," Jimin says, taking his gun out and shooting Hye in the head, he falls to the ground, lifeless. Destiny screams and Reggie stares in horror.

"God damnit, I've been meaning to get rid of him for a while, now it's time for you both to die—" Jimin stops when Reggie kicks the gun out of his hands and punches him in the face,

"Run Destiny!" Reggie says, grabbing the gun and pointing it at Jimin. Destiny runs away, hoping to find help.

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