The Tale of the Alley Cat

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October 13, 2002 – Manhattan, New York

On a cold, rainy night in the streets of New York City. A man runs for his life, holding the bag of jewels in his hands. He finds the getaway car he arrives in and gets inside.

"Ahaha! We did it, boys! We got the jewels, let's get back to the headquarters," The men celebrate the news as they drive off, including a young boy looking at his father in awe. He always loved seeing his father doing this kind of work, enjoying the chaos. Suddenly, flashes of red and blue lights show from the mirror. The police quickly drive behind the men. The men get nervous, they pull out their guns to prepare for the chaos that's about to unfold. The little boy watches the men and the weapons, and he becomes curious.

"Hey boys, we got a problem. But don't worry, daddy got it under control. Okay?" The man says. The boy nods quickly, watching the scene unfold. Suddenly, the police start shooting the car, trying to stop the men. The driver quickly dodges the bullets, driving quicker than usual.

"Slow down man, my son's back here," The father says.

"Why the fuck did you bring him here man!" The driver says angrily.

"I had no choice man, no one would watch him, and his mom is drunk as shit!" he says. The bullets keep flying inside the car. The father puts his son on the ground while putting a jacket over him,

"It's okay boy, you're safe. I promise," The father says.

"Daddy..." The young boy says sadly. The father smiles at him sadly. As the bullets keep going through the car. The bullets hit the tires, and the car starts to go out of whack,

"Fuck!" The driver says. The police officers drive next to the car.

"Stop the fucking car, asshole!" The officer says.

"Fuck off!" The driver says. The officer shoots him in the head, the driver lays on the wheel lifeless.

"Shit!" One of the men says as they throw him out of the car, taking the wheel. The car gets out of whack, tires burning out. The new driver pushes the brakes as the car stops. The police exit the car, holding their guns,

"Freeze! Get out of the car and put your hands up!" The officer says. The three men look at each other, the father looks down at his son sadly. The young boy shivers in fear, praying this will all be over, hoping to go home,

"We'll get through this boy. Together." The father says, getting out of the car with his gun. The men get out of the car, putting their hands up,

"Put the guns down," The officer says. The men slowly put their guns down, until they suddenly start shooting at the officers. The two men go down, lifeless. The father watches the scene in horror, holding his gun,

"Put your fucking gun down," The officer yells. The father suddenly thinks about his son. He didn't want to leave him but had no choice but to. The father slowly puts his gun down, as the officers take him away. The little boy leaves the car, watching his father being taken away in horror.

"Dad...DAD!" The young boy yells, running towards the officers. The officer catches the young boy as he screams and cries for his father to come back.

"It's okay boy, I'll be back I promise," His father says as the officer puts him inside the car,

"Oh officer, you have no idea what kind of hell you've let loose," The father says, laughing sinisterly at him. The officer looks at him in horror, shutting the car door. Suddenly, the officer looks up and sees the little boy giving him the deadliest stare that he can ever imagine. Little did the officer know, that his life was going to go upside down from here.

Present Day

On a cloudy, warm evening in Manhattan, New York. Reggie Matthews relaxes in his apartment, casually remembering all the events that happened in his life as an officer. After working at the NYPD for almost 20 years, Reggie decided to retire from his job. Reggie watches TV until a breaking news story shows up,

"Good evening, breaking news from WNAC 12. A young woman was found dead in the alleyway after a vicious attack that has taken place. The young woman was identified as Brittney O'Neal, a 20-year-old student from NYU. Police are still looking for the suspect behind this murder, this is the 10th murder that was committed within the past month. We will keep you updated on this news. Have a good night." The newswoman says. Reggie turns off the TV, curiously looking at the screen.

"The fuck is going on?" Reggie says getting up from his seat. He walks into his room, looking at all the badges that he received while on duty. Suddenly, he gets a phone call. Reggie answers the phone, curious to find out who it was.


"Reggie, we need to talk. It's important," A mysterious man says over the phone.

"Where should I meet you at?" Reggie asks.

"The Kitty Kat. It's just around the corner from your place," he says.

Reggie sighs, "Okay, I'll be there soon,"

"Talk soon," The mysterious man says, hanging up the phone. Reggie hangs up, curious about the meeting that he's going to. Reggie gets his stuff, leaving his apartment. He heads to his car, driving off. Little did he know, someone was watching him the entire time.

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