The Tale of the Mad Scientist: Part 3

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Amelia looks at her notes, after a long day of school. But her mind all goes back to Namjoon, she hasn't heard from him since this afternoon. She decides to call him,

"Hello! Baby girl how are you?" he says.

"Hey Joon, um I'm doing fine. How are you?"

"Never been better, made a few sales from this medicine and now I'm at home resting and counting money, hey babe we should go on a date with this money!" Namjoon says with a chuckle.

"How much money did you make from this?" Amelia asks.

"Oh, you know, around $5,000 in one night—"

"$5,000. Oh Namjoon, I—"

"Babe, what's wrong?" He asks. Amelia looks at her phone suspiciously,

"Have you lost your damn mind—"

"Shh! Look, Amy. It's going to be okay. I'm making a killing off this medicine, I swear. This money is going to be useful for us. I promise," Namjoon says. Amelia looks at her phone once again suspiciously, praying that Namjoon isn't doing anything too drastic,

"Okay, I understand. But don't do anything stupid, okay?" she says.

"Okay, I gotcha. I love you, babe. I'll see you tomorrow. This is going to be life-changing for us."

"Yeah, I hope so. I love you too..." Amelia says as she hangs the phone and lays on her bed. Amelia gets a strong gut feeling that something wasn't right about Namjoon and his medicine. She decides to brush it off and goes to bed. She turns off the lights and closes her eyes. Little did she know, her life was about to go upside down from here...

The next morning

Amelia drinks her orange juice and watches TV until suddenly, she sees breaking news on her TV. Amelia becomes curious and turns up the volume,

"Good morning, I'm Pamela Jenkins. Breaking news from WNAF Stanford. A man was found dead in his home this morning after a strange attack that cost his life. Charles Halloway, a 51-year-old man was found dead at the scene. He was known to be one of the professors at Stanford University, with no word on what the cause of death was. Police are still investigating the situation. More news at 12." Amelia turns off the TV and runs to the bathroom, she vomits inside the toilet and screams,

"What the fuck—" Amelia's phone rings, she wipes her mouth and runs to the living room. She checks her phone and sees that it was Namjoon,

"Joon, what the fuck is happening—"

"Amelia sweetheart, I saw the news. I'm so sorry about what happened," he says sadly. Amelia gives a confused look,

"Joon, did you do this?"

"No, babe. I didn't do this I swear. Why would you think I had something to do with this?" he asks. Amelia stayed silent,

"What you think the medicine did this to him? Amelia, I told you that the medicine was safe. What you don't believe me—"

"No, Joon. It's not that, I'm just concerned because he looked so happy after he took it!"

"That's the thing, Amelia. It makes you feel happy, euphoric like you're in a much better place than where you are! Trust me, this medicine works wonders," Namjoon finishes. Amelia's breathing starts to hitch. She never heard him act this way before,

"Amelia, please come to class. I'll explain more," he says and hangs up. Amelia looks down at the ground in shock. She stares at the ground and prays, hoping Namjoon didn't do anything horrible to him. She knew this medicine idea was bad, but now her gut feeling became stronger after her conversation with him and the news. She rushes upstairs and gets ready to go to school.

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