The Tale of the Mystic Strategist: Part 4

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Bethany rushes to find the ballroom, only for her to finally find it. She realizes that there's no one there.

"Jasmine! Gavin! Natalia! Kyle! Where are you!" Bethany screams. Suddenly, a chill comes from out of nowhere. Bethany rubs her arms, curious as to where it came from.

"The hell?" Bethany says as walks down the hallway. She notices an odd figure from afar.

"Who's there?" she speaks. Bethany continues to walk until someone covers her eyes. She screams and hears laughter coming from behind her. She turns around and sees Kyle laughing. Bethany hits Kyle on his shoulder in annoyance.

"What the fuck Kyle, you scared the shit out of me," she says.

"I'm sorry Beth. It was funny seeing you freaked out." Kyle says, calming down. Bethany looks at him in annoyance, rolling her eyes.

"Don't do that shit again," Bethany says.

"You're right. I'm sorry." Kyle says. Bethany looks around,

"Where is everyone?" she asks.

"Ah, I believe they all went their separate ways. But speaking of, do you wanna find a quiet place to talk?" Kyle asks. Bethany was taken aback by the sudden request, something in her mind told her that something was wrong. She brushes it off and accepts his request.

"Sure, why not," Bethany says as she follows Kyle to the back.


Gavin runs away, putting his clothes on. He looks back wondering what the hell he came across.

"What the fuck? Did I just have sex with a demon?" Gavin asks himself. He runs down the hallway until he bumps into someone, it was Jasmine.

"Oh my god Gavin, what the hell?" Jasmine says.

"Jasmine, we gotta go. I was just having sex with Natalia, and she turned into some demon witch or something—"

"What—" Jasmine says until suddenly a loud screech comes from down the hall. Jasmine and Gavin look down the hallway with fearful looks on their faces.

"We need to go," Gavin says, but Jasmine stays still looking back. Suddenly, quick footsteps run. A weird black figure runs quickly after them on all fours. It was Natalia in her demonic figure. Jasmine and Gavin scream, running away as quickly as possible. The couple comes across a dark room. They enter the room, catching their breaths. Gavin looks at Jasmine, only to see her looking at him in horror.

"You were fucking that?" Jasmine asks him.

"Jasmine, I was drunk and horny and I didn't know she would be like that," Gavin says. Jasmine starts to get suspicious.

"Something isn't right. Ever since we came to this damn ship, weird things have been happening. Natalia was never like this," Jasmine said.

Gavin looks down, "I told you Jas, this ship is haunted. I may have been drunk but I wasn't playing about this place,"

"So, let's find Bethany and Kyle, and let's get the fuck out of here," Jasmine says. A strange sound comes from the back of the room, something was inside the closet door. Jasmine and Gavin look back, curious about the sound.

"Don't fucking tell me she's in here," Gavin says.

"Hold on..." Jasmine says, walking towards the area. Gavin follows closely behind her. They look at the closet, and suddenly Jasmine opens the door. It was empty.

"What the hell—" Jasmine says until a loud screech comes from behind Gavin. Gavin looks back and sees Natalia. She drags him away from Jasmine and gets on top of him,

"I'm not finished with you yet!" Natalia says in her demonic voice.

Gavin screams, "Get off me bitch! Jasmine help!" Natalia screeches. She almost bites Gavin's neck until a sharp knife goes inside her head. Blood leaks from her head, and Natalia becomes lifeless. Her body turns into dust. Gavin wipes the dust away, looking at Jasmine.

"The bitch was gonna eat you. Come on," Jasmine grabs Gavin's hand, picking him up and putting the knife in her pocket. They leave the room, on the way to find Bethany and Kyle.

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