The Tale of the Fate Reader: Part 2

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A loud alarm goes off. Marina gets up from bed, turning it off. She looks around, feeling strange. Almost as if someone was watching her. She brushes off and heads downstairs to prepare breakfast.

As Marina enters the kitchen, she gets a sudden chill going down her spine. She looks behind her and notices that no one was there.

"What the hell?" Marina says. The strange feeling crawls through her body, along with a loud ringing in her left ear. Marina cringes, holding her ear tightly until she hears her doorbell ring. Marina looks at the door, touching her ear, realizing that the ringing was gone. She goes to answer the door, only for Felicia to smile at her. Marina sighs,

"Hey girl!" Felicia speaks,

"Hey Lee, come on in," Marina says, letting her in. Felicia watches her suspiciously,

"Hey girl, what happened to you?" Felicia asks.

Marina sighs, "Ah, my ear was ringing like crazy, almost like a loud pitch,"

"Oh damn, it may be tinnitus or something," Felicia mentions,

"You're right, but I'm better now. So, what's up?"

"Well, the girls and I are going to that local flea market with all the creepy, vintage stuff if you want to come?" Felicia asks. Marina's morning has been strange so far, and she realizes she needs to get out of the house,

"Sure, I'll come. Let me get ready," Marina says, rushing upstairs to get ready.

One hour later

The LaLaurie Market – New Orleans, Louisiana

The girls arrive at the market. They look around the place, curious about all the stuff that's there. While the girls look at the items, Marina gets the sudden feeling that she is being watched again. Marina looks back but no one was there. She starts to get paranoid until she walks away, but bumps into Taehyung,

"Hey Marina," Tae speaks.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Marina asks.

"Oh well, I was interested in checking out some new goodies here at the market for my house, I figured I come here, but it's very pleasant to see you, my dear," Tae says with a light tone. Marina stares at Tae. She becomes enthralled by his vibes, but she gets the sudden feeling that something was wrong. She brushes it off, and flirts with him,

"Well, it's lovely to see you again Tae," Marina says.

"You know what would be even more lovely?"

Marina becomes curious, "What?"

"You and me going back to my place after our date. What do you say, my dear?" Tae asks. Marina becomes shocked at the sudden request. Taehyung seems like he's a very suave and dashing man, but Marina gets the feeling that something is odd about him. She starts to brush it off and accepts his request,

"Of course," she says,

"Good, my place is wonderful, you will love it there," Tae says,

"I'm sure I will," Marina says, curious about Taehyung. The couple looks around the place, curious about the items there. Until Tae sees a necklace and becomes intrigued, Tae gets the necklace while Marina looks at the items and smiles sinisterly. While Tae is looking for his treasures, Marina continues to look at the items and her friends walk toward her. Marina looks up while her friends give her a mischievous look,

"What?" Marina asks.

"Don't "what?" us, you know what's up. Mr. Taehyung talking to you. Come on, spill it," Kat says,

Marina sighs, "He wants me to go back to his place after dinner," she said. The girls look at her and stare at each other,

"Y'all are so messy, oh my god," Marina says,

"No, it's just...that's such a sudden request. Are you sure you want to do this? You just met him," Jamie said in a worried tone. Marina starts to think about what Jamie says. She does get the feeling that Tae is moving on to her too quickly, but she tries to reason with her,

"Look Jamie, I see what you're talking about. I'll have the date and then we'll see where it takes us," Marina says,

"Okay, have fun," Jamie says suspiciously,

"Just be careful, Rina," Felicia says.

"I will, I promise," Marina says, as she walks over to Tae, and smiles at him while he smiles back at her,

"Are you ready, my dear?" Tae asks,

"Yeah, I'm ready," Marina says. Tae and Marina leave the place, but Jamie starts to give Tae a suspicious look. Tae looks back at the girls and smiles sinisterly. Suddenly the girls get a suspicious feeling that something was wrong,

"Are you sure we should've let Rina get with that dude?" Kat asks,

"Hopefully, she'll give us a heads up about everything," Felicia says. Jamie watches Tae and Marina. She becomes increasingly concerned about her friend's safety, hoping everything will be okay.


Tae and Marina enter the restaurant, Broussard Grille. It was a fancy restaurant in the French Quarters near Tae's shop. Marina looks around the fancy restaurant, feeling like she was in Paris,

"God, this place is beautiful," Marina says.

"I know right? I come here for lunch all the time and it's wonderful, especially the food," Tae says, "Table for two, please," Tae tells the host. The host brings them to their table and gives them their menus. Tae watches Marina seductively, smiling at her beauty.

"It's wonderful, isn't it? I've been wanting to take someone to this special restaurant of mine. It's the best," Tae says, smiling at her. Marina becomes entranced by Tae's advances, but something in the back of her head told her to leave immediately, but she brushes it off,

"It's amazing, I'm excited to try the food. What's your favorite here?" Marina asks. Tae looks at her and crawls over the table, smirking,

"The Dark Chocolate Mousse cake, it's perfection. We should share it, together," Tae says seductively, winking at her. Marina becomes entranced with Tae and smiles seductively. The couple continues to talk to each other, while Tae watches Marina with a mischievous look on his face.

One hour later

The couple arrives at Tae's place. Marina looks around in awe. The house had a very sensual and gorgeous look to it. She becomes interested in place until she sees Tae with a book in his hand. The golden book that was in his shop,

"What's that book?" Marina asks him.

"Oh, this old thing. I've had it for years, it's been passed down from generation to generation in my family," he says looking inside. He shuts the book and puts it back on the shelf, walking towards Marina seductively,

"But enough about me, I want to know more about you, my love," Tae says, getting closer to Marina. Marina smiles at Tae and touches his face,

"What do you want to know?" Marina asks him with a flirty tone. Tae stares at her lips and gets closer to her, Marina accepts his advances, and they kiss each other. After a while, the kiss starts to heat up and the couple goes to Tae's room. They take their clothes off, kissing each other and breathing heavily. They lay on the bed, breaking the kiss and looking at each other. Tae smiles at Marina, knowing he got her under his spell. Marina watches him and touches his face,

"You fast one sir," Marina says,

"I know what I want," Tae says kissing her once again, starting their passionate night that lies ahead.

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