Interlude: Part 5

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"The End," Esme says.

"Holy shit, that dude was disturbing," Kayla says.

"Aha! Didn't I tell you?" Esme says to Kayla. Dahlia becomes confused. She didn't know about the connections between him and Seokjin,

"Wait a minute, Jimin and Seokjin have been working together this entire time?" Dahlia asks Esme,

"Well, yes. They've been working together. Not too many people knew about the history between those two, only what crimes they've committed," Esme says.

"Interesting," Dahlia says, looking at the next painting and item. A golden book with a lock. Dahlia becomes curious about the book,

"Hey, who was this guy?" Dahlia asks. Esme walks towards the painting, looking at the man in awe.

"Oh, he was a handsome devil, but very horrifying. He knew what kind of power he held, and turned it into something...horrific," Esme says.

"What kind of power did he hold?" Kayla asks curiously.

"This man held the power of some of the most powerful witches in the world. He was modest about his work, but he knew what he was doing, until one day, a young woman came into his life and changed him," Esme says,

"What happened?" Dahlia asks. Esme looks at the painting with a frightened look on her face,

"Let's just say, her life was completely turned upside down after dealing with him," Esme says. Kayla and Dahlia look at each other with a scared look on their faces,

"He must've done a lot?" Dahlia asks.

"Oh, yes. He did," Esme says, looking at the girls with a scared look on their faces,

"Ladies, I present to you. The story of the creepiest witch you'll ever meet. I call this story, the tale of fate reader," Esme says looking at the painting. The girls watch Esme, curious about the hellish chaos that will be placed upon them.

Seven Devils (18+ BTS Horror Anthology)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora