The Tale of the Action-Taker: Part 2

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Hannah and Yoon enter the store to pick up some food. They look around the place and grab different snacks for the sleepover. Hannah continues to grab her snacks until she gets the strangest feeling that she is being watched. She looks around and sees no one, other than Yoon looking inside the freezer. Hannah walks up to Yoon,

"Hey Yoon? Do you feel like someone is watching us?" Hannah says. Yoon looks around the store and sees no one.

"There's no one in the store other than us Han..." Yoon says. Hannah starts to get frustrated. She starts to feel like she's the only person who's getting these strange vibes. Hannah continues to get the food and Yoon gives her a concerned look. Yoon follows Hannah, and suddenly a mysterious figure watches them from outside the window. The ladies leave the store and put their stuff in the car. Suddenly, a young woman walks up to them,

"Hey, there ladies! What's with all the food here? What's happening?" The woman asks. Hannah and Yoon look at each other with a strange look,

"Oh, we're just having a little sleepover. That's all," Yoon says,

"Oh, that sounds like fun. Need someone to join you, ladies?" The woman asks excitedly. The girls were taken aback by the sudden question. Hannah starts to get a strange feeling about the woman, but decided to be nice and wanted to get to know her,

"Um, sure but let's get to know each other first. What's your name?" Hannah says. The woman gets excited,

"Oh, my name is Quinn! And you are?" Quinn asks,

"I'm Yoon, and this is my friend Hannah. It's nice to meet you," Yoon says,

"Nice to me you ladies. Shall we head out?" Quinn asks. Hannah and Yoon nod and the ladies all get together to go out to eat.


The ladies eat at a local coffee shop near the school. Hannah and Yoon become curious about the excited woman, but Hannah gets a strange feeling about her. The girls start to ask questions to the woman,

"So, Quinn. What is it that you do?" Yoon asks,

"Ah, I work in IT. I work at the police station as one of their programmers," Quinn said. Hannah becomes more curious about the woman and her motives,

"Are you from Busan?" Hannah asks,

"No, I'm from the US. I just moved here to Busan for my computer work. I wanted to get away from the bullshit that's in the United States," Quinn says, drinking her coffee. Hannah and Yoon look at each other, wondering about the woman,

"You seem very interesting Quinn. You can join us for the sleepover," Yoon says. Hannah gives her a subtle shocked look, feeling very suspicious about Quinn,

"Oh, awesome! I can't wait, just send me the address and I'll join you," Quinn said. Yoon sends Quinn the address. Quinn gets up to leave the shop,

"Well, I'm excited to see you guys later. Bye!" She speaks. Hannah and Yoon wave at her, smiling while she leaves,

"What the fuck were you thinking, Yoon?" Hannah asks angrily,

"Look Han, she seems very nice. I didn't want to turn her down. It's even better that we got to know her as well," Yoon says. Hannah sighs in annoyance,

"Han, don't be like this," Yoon says,

"I have every right to be like this since we just met her. You know how I am with strangers. I can't trust everyone," Hannah said,

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