The Tale of the Alley Cat: Ending (Part 1)

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Reggie points the gun at Jimin, snarling at him. Jimin starts to laugh and gets up from the ground.

"Poor baby," Jimin says, spitting blood out of his mouth.

"You're too pussy to kill a serial killer with your own bare hands. You use a little gun to protect you," Jimin says, mocking him.

"You just used it just now," Reggie says.

"Nah, I only used it because my dad was annoying me. It was a quick kill. I love the blood dripping down my hands and feeling the thrill of a dead person in my arms," Jimin says sinisterly,

"You're a sick—"

"Bastard? Duh, I already know that" Jimin says, rushing towards Reggie with his knife. Reggie pushes him down, punching him. Jimin holds Reggie's hands, slashing his arm.

"Fuck!" Reggie screams, punching Jimin's nose. Hitting his head on the ground, Jimin becomes unconscious from the hit. Reggie gets up, rushing to find Destiny.


Destiny looks for a phone, praying she will find one to call for help. Suddenly, she hears a strange noise coming from outside the office door. She looks back and sees a man with a cat mask on. She stares in horror, running to hide from him. She runs under the desk, hoping he won't find her. Jimin enters the office, looking around,

"I know someone must be here. Either it's little Reggie or his princess, Destiny," Jimin says looking around the office. Destiny prays but stops when she realizes she has the weapons that Reggie gave her. Destiny looks down and takes the switchblade out, hoping that it will protect her. Suddenly, a strange beeping noise comes out of nowhere. Jimin looks at his phone. He sees a notification from his friend, finding out that Destiny is in the same room as him. Jimin looks at the camera and finds Destiny hiding under the desk,

"Oh, I see," He whispers. Jimin slowly walks towards the desks. "Come on out, little Destiny. I know you're in here," he said. Destiny stares in horror. She holds her switchblade, only to find a flashing light coming from the blade. She looks at the light, only to find a small camera installed in the blade.

"Come on, Destiny I know you're here!" Jimin screams. Suddenly, Jimin throws the office items on the floor, screaming.

"Where are you bitch!" Jimin screams, throwing more stuff. Until he goes to the desk and pushes it away, only to find Destiny underneath.

"Oh, there you are my dear," Jimin says.

"Stay back," Destiny yells, holding the blade.

"Oh, my love. Don't be afraid, it'll be quick—"

"How did you know I was here? Who told you?" Destiny asks. Jimin laughs, staring at her seductively,

"Well, dear. Let's just I have a friend who keeps me on my toes with where my victims are," he said, winking at her. Destiny stares in horror, not knowing that someone has been watching them the entire time.

"Oh, you're fucked in the head," Destiny says, walking back.

"I know, come on dear. I'm not going to hurt you. I just need a little bit of loving here, it's been a long night," Jimin says.

"Fuck you,"

"Yeah, that's kinda what I want. Come here, my love. Kiss me," Jimin says walking towards her. Destiny comes up with an idea,

"Sure, come here darling," Destiny says seductively. Jimin walks towards her, holds her waist, and kisses her neck. She moans until she stabs him in the side. Jimin screams, holding his side and falling to the ground,

"I'm going to make sure you're six feet under bitch," he says hatefully, groaning.

"Try it motherfucker," Destiny runs away, hoping to find Reggie.


Reggie looks around, holding his gun. Hoping to find Destiny, until suddenly he bumps into someone. The security guard from the maximum-security cell,

"Oh, thank goodness, I'm so glad you're here. We need to leave—" Reggie says but stops when he notices that something weird is going on with him,

"Where are you going boy?" the guard says.

"We need to get the fuck out of here! Let's go—" Reggie says but stops when the guard starts to choke him,

"J will love to have you," the guard says tightening his grip on his throat. Suddenly, Destiny shoots the guard in the head, and shoots him three times in the back,

"Holy shit Destiny," Reggie says,

"You already know, my father was an officer. But I won't end up being like him," Destiny says, until Jimin grabs her from behind, holding a knife to her throat,

"Gotcha bitch," Jimin says.

"Jimin, put the knife down and we can talk about this," Reggie says.

He scoffs, "You think I'm going to listen to a pig like you,"

"We're not all like this Jimin, I promise. There are bad apples, but we are not all like this," Reggie says.

"Tell that to the corrupted history of this god-awful department," Jimin says, slowly cutting Destiny's throat. Destiny groans,

"Well, you asked for it," Reggie says, kicking the knife out of Jimin's hand. Jimin throws Destiny on the ground and rushes towards Reggie, he throws him on the ground and a fight ensues. Destiny takes her gun and points it at Jimin,

"Shoot him!" Reggie screams. Destiny screams, trying to shoot the gun but it wouldn't budge. There were no bullets, Destiny looks at them in horror, while Jimin smiles at her sinisterly,

"You shit out of luck darling," Jimin says, laughing at her. Destiny throws the gun on the ground and rushes to choke him. Jimin gets up and pushes her to the ground, taking his butcher knife and pulling it up,

"I'll kill you bitch!" Jimin screams until Reggie throws him to the ground and chokes him, Jimin starts to breathe oddly, feeling the air leave his lungs,

"What do you have to say, bastard?" Reggie asks.

"I have the last laugh, little Reggie," Jimin says, Reggie becomes confused and stabs him in the side. Reggie falls over, groaning in pain. Jimin stabs him repeatedly in the chest, watching Reggie's lifeless body in excitement. After Jimin was done, he looks up at Destiny and smiles sinisterly, walking toward her.

"It's you and me bitch," Jimin says running towards her. Destiny runs away, hoping to get out of the station.

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