The Tale of the Mystic Strategist: Ending (Finale)

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Bethany and Jasmine quickly run away from the room. A haunting roar comes out from behind him. Black, dust follows them closely behind. The ladies run quicker, but Jasmine comes up with an idea,

"Bethany, I hate that we have to do this, but we need to split up," Jasmine said. Bethany looks at her in horror,

"No, the fuck we ain't. Let's go!" Bethany drags her. The ladies find a room.

"In here!" Bethany says, quickly opening the door. The ladies look around only to find a dark pit at the bottom of the room. A stench of death overflows their noses, as they look at the pit. Piles of dead bodies and skeletons lay on the ground,

"What the fuck happened here?" Bethany says.

"I don't know but we—" Jasmine says but was cut off when she hears something. Jasmine looks around the room, hoping to find a hiding spot,

"Hide now," Jasmine says to Bethany. The ladies go to find their hiding spots. Jasmine enters a locker, while Bethany goes under the bed, hoping no one would find her. Suddenly, a loud thump comes from the door. Bethany covers her mouth; the roar becomes louder until the door slams open. Loud footsteps hit the ground; a dark force covers it. Hoseok looks around in his monstrous form, laughing sinisterly.

"Oh ladies, I know you're in here," Hoseok says looking around, he suddenly gets the feeling of looking underneath the bed. Hoseok gets on his knees, getting closer to the bed. Jasmine watches the scene from the locker in terror, she tightly holds her knife. Bethany covers her mouth, crying and praying he doesn't see her. Hoseok gets closer to the bed, pushing his hand out to reach whoever is under the bed. Bethany holds her mouth tighter, crying.

"Ah, I know someone is there," Hoseok says until Jasmine hits the locker. Hoseok looks back at the locker suspiciously. He gets up, walking towards it. Bethany looks at the scene and slowly moves from under the bed, suddenly she finds a sharp branch and comes up with an idea. Meanwhile, Hoseok walks towards the locker, smirking at it.

"Ah, come on out dear. I won't hurt you, I promise," he says. Suddenly, Bethany comes from under the bed. She runs towards him, with the branch, and holds it up, screaming. She almost hits him, until he holds her hand tightly, smiling at her.

"You thought you were gonna hit me. There's no way my dear. Come on now, give me some sugar," Hoseok tries to kiss her until Jasmine leaves the locker and stabs Hoseok's back. He screeches in pain, falling to the ground. Bethany takes the branch and stabs him multiple times, along with Jasmine.

"Die you son of a bitch," Bethany screams. They continuously stab him until he becomes lifeless. The ladies look at the man in disgust,

"That motherfucker was crazy—" Jasmine says but notices something strange. Hoseok's body starts to regenerate. The ladies start to freak out until Bethany looks at the pit,

"Throw him in the pit!" Bethany says as Jasmine tries to pick up him. Bethany helps him, while screeches in pain,

"I'm not letting you bitches get away with this shit," he says angrily.

"Well, guess what. We will," Bethany says as the ladies throw him inside the pit, suddenly he scratches Jasmine's leg before he fell, and she screams. He screeches while falling until there was a loud thud and silence. The ladies look down at the pit and each other,

"Jasmine, are you okay?" Bethany asks.

"I'm fine. Just a scratch. Come on, let's go." Jasmine says as the ladies exit the room. Meanwhile, they finally find the exit to the ship and leave, the bright sun graces their eyes. The boat that they arrived in was still there. The ladies enter the boat, and Jasmine takes the wheel. They both look at the place in horror,

"I don't ever want to go back here again," Bethany says.

"Yeah, me too. Come on, let's go," Jasmine says, starting the boat. They drive off to the sunrise, knowing that everything was over.

A few days later

On a cold, rainy night, Bethany and Jasmine leave the vigil of Natalia, Gavin, Kevin, and Kyle. The look on their faces while seeing their dead friends became haunting, knowing they saw their deaths in front of their eyes, and how they happened.

"It's crazy how everything happened so quickly," Bethany says.

"Yeah, I hate that we had to go to that damn party. If we didn't, we wouldn't have gone through this," Jasmine said. Bethany starts to cry,

"Fuck Kyle and his bullshit. He's the one that did to us," Bethany says, holding Jasmine.

"I know Beth, I know. Fuck him, but he's gone now. That's all that matters," Jasmine said. They both enter the building and back to their dorm rooms. The ladies reach their dorm room, and lay on their beds, thinking about everything that they've been through. Bethany starts to think about Jasmine's scratch that Hoseok gave her,

"Hey Jas, how's that scratch?" Bethany asks.

"Oh, it's fine. Speaking of, I need to change the bandage. I'll be back," Jasmine said, going to the bathroom. After a while, Jasmine finishes changing her bandages and looking at the mirror until she starts to feel funny and hot. She takes some water and puts it over her face. She sighs but looks at the mirror and sees Hoseok watching her from the mirror. She stares in horror, but smiles back at him,

"Hey, Jas! You okay in there?" Bethany yells. Jasmine looks back, smiling sinisterly,

"Yeah," Jasmine says, "Everything is peachy keen," she finishes as she grins, with fangs shown and black eyes. Hoseok knows that his only way of capturing Bethany is by possessing Jasmine, little did he know, he's only just getting started.

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