Interlude: Part 6

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"The End," Esme says. The ladies looked at each other in awe,

"Now, that was a crazy fucking story," Kayla says excitedly. Esme laughs and walks to the next painting,

"It was a crazy journey for Mr. Kim. He was insane, he knew what kind of power he held. All the training he did build him up to where he is today," Esme says looking at the final painting.

"I need a vape, excuse me," Kayla says leaving the room. Dahlia stares at the mysterious man with a fearful look,

"Who is this man?" Dahlia asks Esme,

"Hmm, this was a very recent event that took place. He was very violent and knew how to catch people in the act. It didn't make it no better than he was very intelligent and strong with what he does," Esme says, sighing. Dahlia becomes confused with Esme's behavior,

"Shouldn't we wait for Kayla to come back so she can hear this story?" Dahlia asks. Esme sighs once again and looks at Dahlia,

"My dear, I think we should do this story by ourselves. If she wants to listen, she'll come in and listen," Esme says. Dahlia starts to become confused, but brushes it off,

"As I said dear, this was a very recent event that took place. Maybe last month I want to say. The case is still on for this horrific event and police are still looking for evidence," Dahlia becomes intrigued. This was the first story she ever came across that was so recent, and Kayla wasn't there to listen. She brushes it off and continues to listen,

"My dear, this is the story of a violent man who has homicidal tendencies, who's willing to capture anyone he sees fit to his need. My dear, I call this story. The tale of the action taker," Esme says looking at the man. Dahlia looks at the painting of the handsome man and the weapon inside the case. It was a dirty hammer, black gloves, and a camera. She becomes curious about the camera and what was inside but became more curious about the story that'll change her life forever.

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