Chapter 16: Magma's Secrets

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Andy's P.O.V.

Like what Magma and I planned, we'll tell about those incidents to them first thing in the morning. We asked Herobrine's permission to hold a brief meeting regarding those incidents.

As we were all seated at the rectangular wooden table, Magma whispered something to me. "Shall we start now?" I merely nodded as an answer. "But I think we should ask Herobrine first." I responded to her, earning me a quick nod.

I glanced at Herobrine, who was patiently waiting for us to proceed.

"So, yeah. Mobs, I gathered you here for a quick meeting about those humans." I started uneasily. I wasn't used to this, so I looked over to Magma, my eyes screaming help.

"About them, we encountered them yesterday. 5 PM, to be exact." Other mobs stiffened at what they've heard, contradicting Herobrine's reaction, who was calm and collected.

"But why would they attack?" Zoro asks, his face obviously perplexed.

"We don't know their objective... yet." Magma stared at them seriously.

At this point, Crypre spoke. "Although, I remember Magma asking the human what does he want, and he said, you, directing it towards Magma."

Herobrine turned to look at Magma. "Magma, do you know anything as to why they're trying to get you? I noticed you always getting kidnapped." He intertwined his fingers, advancing towards the table.

I noticed Magma sweat drop at his question. "N-No.." She replies curtly. It's obvious that she's lying.

"Magma, I know you really well. You can't lie to me. What's the problem?" Crypre turned to look at his right, where Magma is currently seated.

Magma bit her lip before answering. "It's nothing, r-really." 

"What's the point of holding a meeting if secrets are not spilt?" Herobrine stated it matter-of-factly.

"Yeah, we're your friends, right? C'mon, it's alright." Webby, who's sitting across from Magma looked at her straight to eye.

One more step, then she'll finally budge.

"Okay, okay! Stop pressuring me." She massaged her temples to prevent a headache coming before speaking.

"Fine. So... how do I start?" She asks herself. I chuckle mentally, amused.

Webby suddenly became serious, which made me really curious about Magma. "Things are about to get interesting..." I muttered.

"Listen up, because I'm just gonna say this once." Magma gazed around her. "Now, before I tell you about it, do you all solemnly promise to keep this to yourselves?"

"Yes." They all said in unison.



Magma's P.O.V.

I cursed mentally. "Damn it!" I sighed in frustration, as my identity will soon be revealed.

I gripped my temples, in an attempt to remember my past.

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