Chapter 4: Day 1 of Training - Tension

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Magma's P.O.V.

I sighed. Lately I've been getting more weak due to lack of practice. So, what I did was, I sought refuge over a nearby garden with dim lighting and smiled. 'Perfect,' I thought as I trudged my way towards it.

As I finally reached my destination, I thought of first what I needed to do.

'Okay, TNT, calm down,' I let out a deep breath before I continued sorting out my thoughts. 'Start with the martial arts combat.' I removed my hoodie and took a deep breath. 'Now, where should I start?' I thought. But something caught my eyes. My ears twitched as I looked around intensely, watching out for any sudden move.

"Woah, calm down." I heard a chuckle behind me and I removed my stance. I turned my head to see Andy smirking while his hands are on his coat's pockets.

"What, are you doing here?" I blushed as I realised that I am next to naked without my hoodie on. I quickly covered my forest green sando using my hoodie and faced him.

His smirk grew wide as he approached me. I eyed him carefully, analyzing his next move. "You know what?" He chuckled. I waited impatiently, since I have more interesting things to do. "What?!" I hissed. "You are better off without a hoodie." He laughed. I angrily punched his arms as I hised. I felt my cheeks grew hot at that. 'Damn it...'

He finally calmed down and put on a serious face. "Kidding aside, I need to train you about the upcoming test."

"Why? I can perfectly train myself." I pointed out as I crossed my arms, with matching raised eyebrow.

"Don't understimate the others. Especially Herobrine." He kept on that serious face which sent shivers on my spine.

"O-Okay." I nodded as I followed him over to the training area.


"Whoa.." I muttered to myself as we reached the training area. It was very spacious and an ideal trainig room, complete with hurdles and all imaginable obstacles.

"Awesome, isn't it? It was constructed decades ago, but it never fails to cease its magic," He responded to my reaction.

"Magic? What do you--- AAAAAAH!" I was shocked when Andy smirked and pressed a remote, sending me to the most horrifying adventure ride ever. My eyes widened when a spinning thing with dangerous spikes rolled onto me. I dodged it quickly but then I was met by a huge fan spinning onto my feet so I jumped but then I realized I actually need to duck but unfortunately, I missed it.

Black spots covered my vision and the last thing I saw was a concerned pale face before I drifted into nothingness.


"Look what you did to her!"

"I didn't mean to...When she wakes up, I'll apologize to her.."

"Hush now, she needs rest."

I opened my eyes slowly to see the familiar essence of my room. But with that, I immediately recognized the other mobs overhead. 

"W-What...?" I muttered as I felt a sharp pang on my forehead. Damn, it hurts.

"What the actual heck happened?" I asked.

"Well..." Andy kept his head low.

"You were training and..." A zombie continued.

The Blaze rolled his eyes. "You were trainig with Andy, he got carried away, and then you got hit in the head, you passed out and bam. Here you are." Blaze crossed his arms as he stared at Andy.

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