Chapter 27: War (Part 8)

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The silence in the room was deafening. Andy thought it was ironic-- how silence makes them shift uncomfortable in their seats, how it can be unbearable, all the while doing apparently nothing.

It was so silent you can literally hear a pin drop. The morning light illuminated the hut, making it more cumbersome and awkward for some occupying it. They are fully aware that many humans roamed the earthly terrain at this hour and they could do nothing but wait, helpless.

Andy's the most agitated. The way he shifted in his seat, the way he stood up, pacing around the room or teleporting. Herobrine grunted in discomfort, his temper dropping by each moment Andy paced the said room. 

"Would you please sit down?" Herobrine crossed his arms, his empty eyes piercing through Andy's, like light illuminating through glass. Andy came into a halt, before shooting a hidden glare and sitting down.

His anxiety didn't hide. He kept on biting his fingers, tapping his feet like a madman and Webby couldn't help worrying at the unusual sight. She reached over to tap him, who was in a daze.

"Hey Andy, are you all right? You seem jumpy." Indeed, he was. He slightly jumped upon hearing the arachnid's voice, before shaking his head fervently.

"It's fine. I'm just agitated that's all." Webby nodded upon understanding, expressing her empathy with her octo-numbered legs. "I see. It's quite apparent in your face, though. Shouldn't have asked." Webby yawned, hiding her own anxiety in a carefree demeanor. Although as she tried to hide it, fear, nervousness and destitute was mirrored in her ruby eyes.

Once again, the room fell silent. You can only hear the ticks of a nearby clock hanging loosely from a wall located in front of them. It made them feel nervous even more, the seconds reminding them that time flies so fast. They need to act quick. Who knows, their base might get wrecked, into tatters and cinders. Herobrine might not admit it openly, but her truly cared for the HQ. Not even that, also his squad. The Mobs.

Unlike any of them, Herobrine remained unfazed, stoic and aloof. He observed his surroundings quietly, not a single thing escaping from his eagle-like gaze. He was about to stand up when the wooden door where the witch and Magma entered opened.

The witch was carrying Magma, who still lay asleep. Blaze and Andy immediately assisted the witch into carrying her. They set the delicate, peaceful body on a nearby wooden bench, before the witch proceeded to tell them the female creeper's current state.

"She will be fine," Sighs of relief can be heard from the others. "As long as she gets adequate rest, she'll get better." For the first time, the witch smiled warmly, throwing the others off guard. "I'm Vandar, by the way."

Herobrine spoke. "Thanks, but we couldn't hang any longer. Our base is attacked by those pesky humans and we need to get her in a safe zone immediately." The other mobs nodded in agreement and Vandar nodded. 

"I see, take these with you. They'll help." Vandar handed them a set of tiny bottles with purple mysterious fluid bubbling inside it. Blaze raised an eyebrow, Andy did the same while Webby gazed at it, with curiosity and wonder. One of her spider arms reached out but Vandar hastily extended his arm upwards, out of the spider's grasp.

"Not so fast, only use this when urgent." Vandar emphasized the last word of the last sentence before handing it over to Herobrine, who took it hesitantly. Vandar noticed his discomfort and smirked, expecting the reaction. "It's not poison," Vandar laughed. "Trust me it isn't. You might thank me in the near future. I'll always be here when you need something." They all turned to retort but then he vanished. He was gone. Poof. In the air.

"Well... that was weird..." Webby was the first to break the silence that ensued among them. She shrugged, before proceeding to turn on her eight heels and face the invidious world beneath those wooden doors in front of them.They all followed, the potions that they had recently received stored safely on one of their things. Before they could completely stepped outside, a figure blocked them from doing so.

"Shit..." Andy muttered under his breath, her grip on Magma tightening.


Sorry if it was lame again-- I had a lot of stuff to do and I'm trying not to drown.

Hope you liked it, nonetheless.

~ MallowFreakByakuhime ~

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