Chapter 19: The Attack of the Humans

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Note: Please do read Chapter 18: Magma's Plan before this, and to those who read this chapte already, just o back and read Chapter 18 before reading this thanks :3

After two months...

Webby's P.O.V.

"WOAH." I literally gaped at the huge-ass armor that is done and ready to wear. I mean, how are we able to walk with those heavy pieces of... diamond?! Well it kinda looks huge to me.

"U-Uh... question?" A ghast mob sheepishly raised her hand. "How are we supposed to wear these?" She shyly shrunk back to her seat, as Herobrine looked at her.

"Common sense?" He raised an eyebrow. "Of course this is only the first set of armor, usually worn by small mobs such as creepers, zombies and skeletons. Other sets of armors are still not finished, so you guys better wait patiently. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Herobrine." Those 'small' mobs grabbed a set of armor for them to wear. It's so unfair! I pouted. Why does Magma get to wear a shiny set of beautiful diamond armor?!

"Bro, I know what you are thinking. Stop it." Magma half-glared at me, her arms crossed. "Geez, seriously, don't worry, maybe tomorrow or next week, you might get your armor." She smiled... just a bit. Haha, typical Magma. I unconsciously checked my watch on one of my arms. 2:45 AM? Woah, it's getting late. Oh well, us mobs usually stay up, no big deal.

"Whatever you say, Cap'n!" I saluted joyfully before I turned my head to look for someone missing. Andy, where is he?

"The oh-so handsome prince is just right here. Right, Magma?" In a blink of an eye, Andy teleported beside Magma, who had a visible frown and blushing face. Teehee~! I can see the chemistry~! Wait, that rhymed...

"Whatever, Andy! Are you even sure you can take down humans when you're not even training?" Magma looked up at Andy-no, more like glared up at him. He ignored the glare that was sent to him and instead, he laughed.

"What the?! Oi, stop laughing! It's creeping me out damn it!" Magma shrieked. I sighed. It's a good thing that only select mobs were awake or else it would be ten times embarrassing.

"I just can't help it pfft--!" A whack in the head. I sometimes get surprised at how Magma can reach Andy's head, given the noticeable difference in their height. Well, I suppose that's normal for Magma, that is.

"Why are you even laughing, you idiot?! Some mobs might even think you're going insane!" Magma exclaimed, with this 'pissed' expression. If you know what I mean.
"Hahaha, Magma, just let him be like that. He used to be cold as stone before then. But when you came, he changed. A lot. You changed him." I said, with a serious tone.

"W-What are you talking about?!" Magma asked. Andy just turned away from us, upon hearing my words. I bet you, the guy's blushing.

"Tsk, just bear with him. I can tell he likes you. A lot." With this, she stormed away, smoke coming from her nose and ears. With this, I couldn't control my laughter anymore. Pfft--! They were just too funny!

"Psh, Web, I'll just go with her. You know, to train and stuff." He explained, sheepishly. "Just come with me, if you want to join."

"Nah, I'll pass. I'll train with Zoro. You guys better have a fun time." I wiggled my eyebrows oh-so-suggestively. He immediately stiffened at this and vanished, leaving flecks of purple snowflakes from his spot earlier.

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