Chapter 5: Is that... jealousy I see?

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Magma's P.O.V

I gasped and wheezed as I laid on the firm, concrete floor. I was exhausted, I didn't know training could be this... hard.

"Get up." Blaze's voice commanded as I instantly shot up, a bit taken aback. Even now, I can't grasp the fact that he can be this fierce. 

And from what I heard from the other female mobs' gossip; Blaze is one of the most dangerous, scariest, fiercest mobs in our gang.


I felt a kick to my guts. Damn, can't he get more gentle?!

"I told you, no daydreaming is allowed." He reminded coldly, along with that gaze of his.

"Sorry." I clutched my stomach tightly, but since I felt a bruise, I lessened the pressure.

"Once again, get up." 

I shot up, once again, with my fighting stance. 'Focus.' I told myself.

He smirked before doing a roundhouse kick, but since my instincts are sharp enough, I dodged him and did a 45 degrees kick to his sides, along with a turning roundhouse kick. Unfortunately, he dodged my roundhouse kick and did a front kick. Once again, I retreated backwards, but then I advanced forward aggressively, knocking his fist with a knife cut, along with front kick.

"Damn," He wiped his sweat on his forehead and grinned. "Now that is better."

I immediately choked on my saliva. Blaze... grinned?

Holy cow, what the actual fudge is happening?

"I told you, no daydreaming." He smirked as he summoned blaze rods, as I summoned dynamites that explode, when hit.

"Let the game begin." He announced as we battled, fighting for victory.


Andy's P.O.V.

I watched in the shadows at their battle, slightly impressed at Magma's fast improvement at combat.

'Wow.' My attention was slightly shifted to Blaze, who was smirking. But then, his gaze turned to my direction so, with my dark hood, I camouflaged into the shadows before I heard an explosion.


Magma's P.O.V

I quickly noticed Blaze's attention to his left side, so I took that as a chance to explode one of my bombs.


A mini explosion occurred as Blaze was immediately taken aback, his yellow hood, ripped a bit to shreds. He shook his head.

"That was a great battle." He let out a smile but then he sighed. "Guess I'll just change this then." He then patted my head and grinned. "So long, Magma." He then turned around and walked away. But, then, he called my by my name?

'Eh, maybe he wasn't so bad after all.' I thought as I smiled.


Andy's P.O.V.

Damn it!

I couldn't help but feel my chest tighten up a bit. 

I don't know what it is though.

All I know is that I can't stand to see them together.


Magma's P.O.V.

I took a quick glance at the clock.

30 minutes before I train once more with Andy, huh?

I used my remaining time to rest, so I went over my room and set an alarm at the clock.

And just like that, I drifted to sleep.


Sorry for such a short update.

I'm just feeling down, sorry.


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