Chapter 17 (Part 1) : Opening of Q & A

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*Author still sleepy upon browsing on Wattpad when suddenly* "5K READS?! OH MY GOSH WOW!" She then jumped up and don, prancing around like an idiot. She then proceeds to type in her monitor, with a happy thank you note, once again like what she did last chapter.

It read, "Thanks guys~! <3 __ <3"



...But the memory is unclear...

All I know is that one was male, is an Enderman, and a female, whose species is a spider....


Could it be....?


Magma's P.O.V.

I was stopped in mid thought when I saw Webby's face go pale.

"W-Wait... so Magma, you are...." I turned to observe her completely.

Now the memory is complete.... she is that female Spider that is one of my memories.

Beside me, Andy, also massaged his temples. "I... remember now..." It seems to me that he is that enderman in my memories, too.

Andy and Webby exchanged looks that only they, can understand. I looked around and saw the other mobs' faces contorted with confusion.

"Wait, what? I don't get it..." Zoro scratched the back of his head with his right hand, peering at us sheepishly.

"Me either!" The other mobs nodded in agreement with Zoro.

Before the commotion could grow, Herobrine spoke. "The three of you, explain what's happening."

The three of us nodded, which caught the other mob's attention. We started to explain what happened,

They all listened eagerly, even Blaze did, for even though he seemed calm and unfazed, I saw a glimpse of interest and curiosity in his eyes.

After listening and hearing our tale, a series of questions wee asked by the other mobs.



Now guys, before you go, please listen.

If you have any clarifications about the story or some questions, you may ask Magma, Andy and Webby indirectly. I'll just send the message to them. Those questions will be answered shortly after a generous number of questions have been asked. Now I do not promise that I will answer all of your questions guys, but I will select the ones that might help the story. As for the other, unanswered questions, those questions will be answered in the future. Also, one of the reason why I may not answer some questions is because if the three answers them, it will spoil the story. Alright? :D

Next part of this chapter is the answering of the questions and clarifications. :)

-MFB is out.

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