Chapter 33: Mystery

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Magma's P.O.V

"Where is he?" I scanned my eyes all of them. I turned to Andy who seemed to know something.

"When have you last saw him?" Exasperated, I asked him. He seemed to appear disturbed... Now I'm getting suspicious at how they reacted.


Andy's P.O.V.

I winced in pain as I grasped the floor, before Crypre rushed in my aid.

"Hold on, let me get Webby." He ran off and minutes later, Webby came back. With no sign of Crypre.


Back to Magma's P.O.V.

"Well, that's all I remember... The rest became history and after that, there's no sign of Crypre." He seemed to be really deep in thought.

"Webby, do you know something?" I eyed her carefully, locking with her scarlet eyes. She seemed to feel uncomfortable, she bit her lip, and her pupils were practically restless. I raised an eyebrow at this, Andy and Webby is acting really suspicious.

"I.... Um..." The pupils traveled towards the topmost corner of her eyes and once again, I heard what they remembered.

Webby's P.O.V.

I was fighting a human, who was almost on the verge of killing me. But no-- I won't give up. For us mobs, humans were helpless and weak but this one seemed to reside within the rare humans who were close to invincible. I gritted my teeth, my fangs almost bit my tongue. Before I knew it, Crypre came and pushed me out of the way, causing me to lose balance and watched him get stabbed in the reins with an eerie looking diamond sword. I stared helplessly, slack-jawed and eyes widened, my brain trying to take the astonishing scene in front of me. Gunpowder blood was oozing rapidly from the injured spot and he struggled to reach me with his weakened hands, attempting to do something. Before I knew it, he whispered something.

"Go... Save Andy... for Magma. I always knew she loves Andy. Go... please." He smiled sadly before closing his eyes. The human in front of us watched, a devious smirk on his lips, as if he's enjoying what's happening. I stood up despite my legs hurting viciously and raised my arms, all at once and targeted his heart. He deserved to die.

I quickly found out that I can no longer be of assistance to Crypre--  I just need to carry out his dying wish so that he could die peacefully.

I stood up, wiping the blood that accumulated on my now tattered and dirtied clothes. I quickly ran, doing my best to avoid humans as much as possible. At last, I reached Andy's location and aided him, casting my sadness and malevolent rage away with a smile.

Back to Magma's P.O.V.

"Why did you save me?! Why did you not attempt to help him?!" Andy couldn't control his calm anymore and lost it. He was shaking in sadness and anger, and before I knew it, he towered angrily over Webby who was shuddering frantically, her eyes bulged. "I didn't mean to-- he's dead... I couldn't do something! It was too late! I'm sorry!" Webby was bursting into tears, and so, Gail and Aranea rushed to her side and tried their best to comfort her. Some of the guys, like Zoro and Blaze held Andy back, who's currently in a state of malevolent rage. He's throwing a violent fit, his anger and frustrations can be deciphered by it. I watched them, completely frozen in spot as my vision blurred, liquid flooding the surface of my eyes. I tried my best to hold it back but to no avail, the liquid filled my eyes and threatened to fall down. I blinked them away but once I opened my eyes again, I can't help letting them fall. With my hood, I hid myself inside of it, muffling my shaking voice.

"Let's get you guys home." Aranea stated and we trudged back towards the HQ in devastating silence. Only the sound of our feet can be heard against the bitterly cold asphalt and it was deafening to my ears. I hugged myself, the comforting warmth of my hoodie completely embracing me, as if to comfort me.

After we reached it, we silently went to our respective rooms. The walk back felt horrible, I felt guilty upon hearing what happened to Crypre. I finally reached my room beyond the wooden door that's in front of me and without any noise, I grasped the doorknob lightly, twisted it opened and closed it once again.

I slowly trudged towards my sea green bed, its bedsheets cold for its owner hadn't occupied it since earlier. The cold January breeze entered my room from the open window, the breeze enveloping me as I lay on the said bed lifelessly. My eyelids slowly grew heavier by each second that came to pass by when I realized something that shocked me awake.

There's no guarantee that he's dead so there's a possibility that he's alive!

I took a quick warm shower to refurbish and relax my tensed nerves, the water pulsing on the bathroom floor like the beat of my creeper heart. Many possibilities raced through my mind as I showered, the train of thoughts accumulating more theories. What if he's alive? What if humans saved him? What if he was cured? What if Webby was lying?

I just hope that one of them is true. I couldn't bear losing someone that's of great value to me. No. Not again.

What do you think happened to him?

~ MallowFreakByakuhime ~

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