Chapter 20: War (1st Part of War)

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Third Person's P.O.V.

"Damn it!" Magma gritted her teeth as she struggles to defeat a pesky human, keeping her from doing her goal; to face her brother Alejandro and defeat him once and for all. She thought this madness needs to be stopped, before all goes wrong.

"Come on Magma, you can do it!" Webby urged her, her crimson eyes reflecting determination. The enemy that they encountered was difficult to defeat, he was almost their level or maybe the same as their level. She attempted to bite the damned human, but his reflexes were too fast. The said human dodged sideways and gave Webby a kick, but with the help of her eight legs, she scooted backwards, to which she was trapped, a wall behind her.

"Oh my, a spider with so much legs, but do they have brains?" The human mocked her, earning him a look that indicated he should watch out. Webby was becoming angrier at each second, ready to bite her prey.

Magma locked eyes with Webby, almost as if she was telling her something. Astonished, she lost composure to which the human has gained an advantage. Unaware of the plan, the human raised his diamond sword, but before he could lay a hand on a single leg of Webby's, Magma grabbed his arm and twisted it behind him. A bloodcurdling scream was heard, resonating throughout their headquarters. Magma smirked, before whispering something on his ears. "To answer your question, yes we have brains. Secondly, you have brains to which you don't even use your memory of. Poor you. You're the first to taste my wrath." She laughed sadistically, whilst Webby fought another human that seemed to have a purpose. 

Before the human could penetrate her body with the diamond sword he was holding, Magma pinched the skin in between the thumb and the index finger, causing the sword to fall within his reach. Before it could drop to the ground, Magma immediately caught it with her free hand, before stabbing the poor guy with no second thoughts. His life immediately ended, for the sword was coated with so much wrath and hatred, and for the first time, she felt good. She sighed contentedly, before sensing someone behind her. She felt that familiar presence, to find Andy battling a human, with no armor.

Silently, she crept towards the back of the human, before using the diamond sword from awhile ago to attack. The human's attention was diverted towards her and before she knew it, the said human punched her straight in the face, stumbling backwards as her vision was invaded by dark spots. Nevertheless, she gritted her teeth before double punching him, one in the face one at the guts. The human dodged swiftly at the second punch before stabbing her with an arrow he picked up from his inventory, targeting her heart. 

"Magma!" Andy reached out, but due to a stab he got earlier from his sides, he couldn't reach out and grab Magma who was frozen in place.


Meanwhile... in another scene...

Zoro, complete with golden armor, crept behind a human who was battling Webby. He resisted the urge to groan in hunger as he approached the human before biting the human in three big bites. However, on the third one, that human managed to attack Zoro in one powerful slash, although it's a good thing he managed to dodge. Well, a little. Rotten, slimy blood dripped from his shoulders, making him wince. He bit his lip to stiffle his pain in order to prevent Webby from worrying. He failed, though for Webby's tears flowed, before scrambling up to block the human from landing another attack. With her six legs, she used the four to squeeze the human, enough for it to choke, dropping the stuff in the inventory in the process. Zoro reached out and successfully stuffed the dropped items into a bag that was one of them and ignoring the searing pain on his shoulder, he ran off.

"Webby, I need to deliver this to Herobrine. Maybe we could find more information about the humans. Think you can handle yourself?" 

"I'm on it." Webby winked before handling the poor struggling human.


Crypre was out to find for Magma but somehow, he couldn't find her somewhere. He passed by a creepy, dark and narrow hallway which seemed to be an abandoned part of the headquarters. He peered at the other end of the hallway, which seemed to be in good lighting that meant the other side's not abandoned. Sighing, he walked casually towards the other end, removing some cobwebs that stuck to his face on the way, but the light from the other side was blocked.

By three, human-like shadows.

"Hello, dear Crypre. Missed us?" The woman from the left side stepped forward from the shadows.

'Wait, she seems familiar. I think I've seen her somewhere before... who are they?'  Crypre pondered silently, not showing any emotions in his eyes.

"Yeah, I even remembered you called us, 'low lying piece of shits?'" The one on the right stepped forward, a nasty smirk on her pretty but vile face.

'Oh... the one's at that human's place... I think I remember now.'  Crypre came into a conclusion and heated up, fighting the urge to fight them. After all, they're women. Even if they don't respect themselves, he still, at least should show respect.

"That's right, girls." The most silent, deadliest of them all, the leader stepped forward more than the other two, until she and Crypre were inches apart. She whispered in his ear dangerously. 

"Every wrong doing has consequences." She chuckles at his ear, before Crypre spoke up.

"Isn't that hypocrisy?" Crypre smirked which caused the human to be furious.

"That isn't! Now shut your trap before I lose my patience on you, filthy mob!" Now Crypre was about to lose his temper. It almost took all of his willpower to contain the gunpowder in his body to prevent him from killing.

Crypre didn't said anything nor did anything. 

"Now, now..." The human walked around Crypre, her sword pointing its edge dangerously towards his neck. "Where shall I start?" The human laughed maniacally before punching his guts, and as a result, Crypre was thrown at the wall by force.

'Damnit, this bitch is good!' Crypre cursed mentally before clutching his chest.

The three girls mercilessly tortured him, although Crypre didn't even budge. He didn't react but he knew he was close to fainting. He took in every single punch, every single slap, every single kick with patience.

Although what the four of them didn't hear is a clank of bones coming from 20 meters away.

Before they could react, a petite figure of a female skeleton appeared, bow in hand with three arrows.

"Lay a finger on him, I'll shoot you to death." Stacey, the female skeleton appeared at the back of the humans. They felt the tip of the pointy arrows at the back of their necks, and they instinctively raised their hands as a sign or surrender.

"A-Alright, we'll run and we'll never tell this to anybody." One of them said.

"Good. That's a deal." Stacey smiled at them before lowering the bow. The three of them glanced at each other, before running away.

'Ha! Gullible imbeciles!' The three of them thought as they were about to notify the other humans about what happened.

'Ha, gullible humans. Tch, liars.' In one swift motion, Stacey raised her bow and aimed it perfectly, hitting the three of them, once and accurately, the arrow piercing through their guts, bringing them into a pitiful dead end.

"Thanks, Stacey." Crypre felt humiliated for he couldn't defend himself. But instead of the usual clingy attitude, she just nodded at him, not even looking at him straight in the eye. Stacey walked off, her expression unreadable.


Wattpad is being a huge@Major_Story sugdudgeydydfetgwedio because I thought that it was published BUT THEN THIS CHAPTER WAS CUT OFF AND I HAVE TO REDO IT. Ergh. It looked plain, I'm so sorry T.T


Btw, dedicated to Cupcakejammer123, I liked how he/she follows my story and waits patiently for updates. Wuuuh I hope you understand, and continue reading~! ^_~

A shout out to Major_Story for her cute comments! >w<

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