Final Fight part 2

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Kate's PoV

"Night?" I asked as I trailed down the long staircase. Only the big chandilier hanging above gives enough illumination all over the place.

"Night? Seriously? Its not time for hide and seek" I complained once I reached the amber tiled floor.
The walls were painted velvet gold and large paintings of different person hung proudly on the polished wall.

I walked towards one and examined his face properly.

The guy in the picture looks similar to Night.
Those deep blue eyes, those strong jaw.
Well, he looks handsome too.

"Kate, over here" I was snapped out from my trance when a voice called out for me.

Slowly, I walked towards the direction of the voice, and there, I found Night sitting on a corner, with a group of wolves sleeping on his lap.

I cant move because of shock. I just stood there frozen, unable to move.

"What are you doing there, come here"

I followed his order.and walked towards him.
There really are wolves sleeping..and crap! They are huge. There are around 5 of them here...

"Night are-are they

"Yes, they are wolves. They are my pets..since I was a kid" He said as he caressed its soft looking fur.

"But-But you said you hate them"

"Yes I do, but those are werewolves..these cute little once has nothing to do with it"

I just smiled at him. He looked so cute doing that,,it's like he is a father of 5 pups. I blushed at the thought.

"Hey what are you thinking?" He asked a stupid smirk plastered on his pretty face.

"Nothing. I was just-

My words were cut off when Ian came carrying a huge gun on his left hand and a sandwich on his right hand.
Wait, a sandwich?

"Come on guys..the party is about to start"

Night just scowled at him probably because of Ian's interupption to my words.

As Night began to stand, the wolves started stirring and soon, five pairs of gold eyes are wide awake.

"Night I think they wanted to come too" Ian said.

"You knew about them?" I asked him

"Yeah..that guy with the darkest gold eye is Timmy, the one with the black spot on his left eye is Spotty, the one with white fur is Winter, the one with the red fur is Flame and the last with the ugliest face is Demon. " He said as he pointed each wolf as he said their name.

"Hey Demon is not ugly!" Night protested.

"Of course you would say that because he is your favorite"

"Whatever you say. Come on..Kate, you must stay close to me and not to the demon one over there"

"Who are you calling Demon?"

"Did I mention a name?"

"Whatever Night I know-

"GUYSS! SHUT UP! Come on little ones, let's go" I said as I run upstairs with the five huge wolves running with me, leaving those idiots behind.

"Night who are those guys at the wall?" I asked as soon as we reached the door towards the basement.

"They were the past great hunters during ancient times. Ian, Richard and I shared the same bloodlines as them" he explained.

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