The HUNT (Part 1)

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" what?"

His eyes turned dark before speaking again.



I don't understand but right after he said those words, I lost myself and fainted right infront of him.


I know it was actually stupid fainting in front of him like that.But when I woke up, I saw a grinning Night staring down at me. And I was like 'Go on! Just laugh your asses out because I fainted!'

He must be expecting that I got overexcited and stuff like that but NO. If only he knew.

He told me to get ready in a few minutes because he will be coming back here in my room to check on me although it became more like to drag me downstairs.

But before he left the room, he turned back and smiled evilly.

"Dress Hot. I wanna attract more werewolves. You know, the more the merrier." Then he slammed the door shut.

Bitch please, I could even fuck all the werewolves I want if only I wasn't born with the decency and respect for my mate, A.K.A: YOU.


After a few minutes of grumbling with myself, I walked towards the bathroom to shower.

I really don't to betray my kind. I need to do something, and fast.

After a couple of minutes inside the bathroom, I finally walked out of it.

With a pink towel wrapped around my damp body and another one wrapping my hair, I walked around the bedroom to find the closet.

When I'm about to open its doors, the bedroom door swung open, revealing Night with an impatient face. But when he saw my body which is only wrapped with a pink towel, not wearing anything at all, his impatient face suddenly turned into something I could not comprehend because he quickly covered it with that stupid smirk.

"What do you want?"I asked, my face feeling a bit hot. I should've locked that damn door.

But what I saw almost baffled me. Did his eyes actually showed a hint of lust?

"Well, duh? He almost raped us the first time we actually came here. So there's no surprise there actually. Damn I'm so itching to mate with him already! Why can't you just give in to him and claim him right on the spot?!" Caitlyn suddenly butted in.

" SHUT UP! YOU'RE RUINING MY REPUTATION!" I snapped, feeling a bit intense to the words she fired at me. Damn dog.

"Nothing for the moment" He replied as he eyed my almost naked figure.

Shit just get out already!

"O-Kay, well I'm getting dressed then. See you in a few." I said trying to hide my nervous reaction, marching back towards the bathroom.

But as I walk past him, he suddenly grabbed my arm, while his face is now vague with emotions.

I tried to jerk it back using my werewolf force but, it didn't budge!

He sure got strength from hell!

"HEY! Let go!" I snapped. I really want  to get away from him as soon as possible because the sparks are getting crazy!

I swear I heard him growl before he released his grip on my arm.

I quickly jerked it back and ran towards the bathroom. Slamming it shut before locking it.

"Could he be a-"

Before my wolf could even start, I cut her off.

"What you are about to say is the most impossible thing to happen." I said as I stared at the mirror.

There's no way that A Werewolf Hunter is A WEREWOLF HIMSELF.

Because if so, Why does he kill werewolves if he is a werewolf too? I don't see a point in there.

After I finished slipping into a blue tank top and black leather jeans, I walked out of the bathroom and walked towards the door.


I never thought that a forest is that scary when your with someone who will soon kill you as soon as they finds out who you really are.

Night asked me on what weapon shall I bring but I declined on bringing one. But still, he made me bring one gun consisted of silver bullets.
I cant believe I'm carrying one of the biggest threats of our lives!

Also, his friends who are with us today also looked scary, just by the way they look at you and how they observe the surroundings.

They all dressed similarly which almost took me out of place because I think I'm the only one wearing blue right now, while all of them wore Black. Even Night wore Black with gray leather jacket.

I swallowed a lump on my throat. I cant cry or faint this time. Sure I may be hunting them, but in fact I can warn them using this time. Sure Night will not notice that I'm missing during the action.

It didn't took so long before we heard a ruffling noise not too far away from where we stood.

And that made me extremely nervous.

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