The Decision

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We are now back at the mansion. Night seemed very happy and energetic after that moment when he told me the story about his mother. Then there's me on the other hand,,I feel empty. But I managed to smile and talk to him anyway. He seemed to notice this but he didn't ask anyway..which I considered is a good thing.

When we reached the main door of the mansion, Night got a call from someone. He said he have to go since its urgent.

So here I am. Inside my room. Not doing anything except for checking out the walls of the room.

After staying here for a few days already, I didn't get a chance to admire the room. The ceilings have spiraling designs that twirled to perfection. The walls are painted ivory gold. There is a tiny chandelier that illuminated the whole room making it look classic.

The bed is huge. Its silky white sheets with golden flowers printed on it that makes me always feel comfortable every time I sit on it.

I sighed heavily. I can roam around the mansion anytime I want. But I don't have the mood to do it.

"I WANNA GO OUT!" Caitlyn yelled all of a sudden.

"What do you want?!"  I snapped

"I wanna go out."

"We just came from outside awhile ago remember?"

"But I wanna shift." She said in a solemn voice.

I feel it too.

The longing of running in all fours.

That's it!

Night is not here. I can go out wherever I want!.

Without hesitations, I leaped out of the window then landed on the floor in fours.

My soft paw felt nice on the ground. Then I ran in full speed toward the woods.

Its nice to be back in my wolf form again. My soft white creamy fur that covered my whole body felt amazing.
My wolf suddenly howled in delight.

And I was like SHIT!


But instead of answering, I felt her smirk and carried on running instead.
We keep on running without thinking where we are going until we smelled something.

Then we stopped.

I know that smell.


He doesn't seemed so far which made me shiver.

"Caitlyn..come on. Lets get out of here!"

Wait. What if he is attacked!

"I smell nothing except the delicious smell of our mate " Caitlyn said

"Don't be stupid. You should have known that. You're the wolf."

"Oh yeah your right."

I just rolled my eyes and remained silent.

We started to run away from that place and reached a cliff. I never knew there is a cliff here. I looked down and saw a town and a huge palace not far from the town. Then I just realized, that's our place.

I can feel my wolf crying at the sight.


The once beautiful place of werewolves were now destroyed. From here it looked awful. There are huge black smokes coming from there. Then I heard a howl. My ears quirked up when I heard that.

It came from Kansas. My heart raced at a very fast speed. Then I found my soft paws moving fast.

"Caitlyn! Where are we going!"
I just realized that Caitlyn is running back to the kingdom.

"We cant go back there! " I yelled. 

But she just ignored me.
I get it why she's acting like this.

After a few moments, we finally reached the place. It looked so awful.

I decided to shift back to human form.   But before that, I looked for a comfortable cloth to wear. When I found one, I shifted back then I slipped on the clothes I found.

I looked around the place. I saw bodies lying on the ground. I covered my mouth, tears spilling out from eyes as I stared at my people. Dead.

"Where is daddy? " Caitlyn asked.

I ran back to the palace. Thinking that he might be here somewhere. I tried to smell his scent, but I failed. I went to his bedroom but he's not there. Instead I found the room completely trashed. Everything is a mess. The tables were destroyed. The papers were scattered everywhere.

I walked out of the room and scanned the whole palace.

I swallowed a huge lump on my throat as if I'm about to cry.

Everything is a dead silence except for the faint beat of my heart. Then I heard something from the hallway. Quickly I hid behind a pillar.

Making myself isolated as possible.

"The alpha of the werewolves  is already being taken care of sir."

I sucked in a breath but quickly regretted it when I noticed them getting quiet.

"Someone is in there"


Without a second thought, I shifted and ran away.


That's the last thing I heard from those men before I already left the palace.

Once I'm outside, I leaned into a big tree and crouched.
And I cried.

I cant believe all of these is happening. Yes I do found my mate, but look at my situation now. And what's worst? My mate is one of the main reason of this all.

I keep on crying when someone tapped my back. I stopped crying and remained still.

"Princess?" I quickly turned around and saw Carlos looking as worried as ever.

I hugged him and cried.

Thank God he's here.

"Princess where have you been. I was walking around to look for some animals to kill but I smelled your scent. So I followed you. Don't you know that this place is already abandoned by the remaining werewolves..including the alpha because the hunters have already destroyed the place. So we are now staying in a huge mansion deep in the forest at the north"

He said before he pulled back.

North? Its not so far from here.

"Let me take you there Princess."

Carlos said.


"But Pri-"

"Just no. Carlos I already found my mate. And I will do everything to be with him"

"Who is he?"

"He is a hunter Carlos. Remember that day when we are looking for my dad during the invasion? I found him that day. And he brought me to his mansion and he took care of me"

"Princess, do you realize that once he'll figure out-"

"Yes I know"

"Are you sure you're not coming with me?"

I nodded.

"Just promise me to take care of my dad and the rest of our people." I said before I shifted then I ran away.

So that's my decision.

To come back to my mate and be happy as long as he haven't figured out what I really am.

Even though he is the reason of my tormented life, I'm already falling in love with him.

Even though I cant forgive him for what he did to my place.

My Mate Is A Werewolf Hunter (COMPLETED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें