The Hunt (Part 2)

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Everyone remained still. No one dared to create a sound except for the heavy breaths I create.

My face is pale and my body is cold.

Everything in me is shaking. Caitlyn feels the same, she resented the hunters because of the chaos they brought to our pack. However when it comes to our mate, it's a whole different story.

The ruffling sound stopped then everyone became alert to their toes.

Suddenly, a huge black werewolf jumped out of nowhere. Then another followed and then another. All in all we are all facing five black huge werewolves.

Wait. I recognize them. They are no ordinary werewolves that I usually encounter.

I gazed at the werewolf at the center.

He has green eyes. Sure he is not a rouge because he is CHRIS!

I looked at Night which looked fearless. How on earth does he do that?!

'What on earth are you all doing here!' I screamed at them by our  mind link connection.

'here to save you Kate. Your dad has been worried sick since you were lost' 

Dad?! Thank goodness he's fine!

'Then tell him I'll come home soon. Now is not the right time" 

'But your dad- ' 

'Dad will understand. Now as the daughter of the Alpha of the Silver Moon Pack, I command you to leave before something comes unto you'  I commanded.

I'm sure they were all hesitant to the thought of leaving me with the hunters.
But they decided to follow me anyway and began turning backas fast as they can.

"What are you waiting for?! go after them!! Make sure to kill those stupid wolves NOW!!!"
Night shouted making everyone except him and I move.

"Oh sh*t he's damn scary" Caitlyn said shivering. I must admit, I flinched at his commands. It was like he really does want to kill us all, including me.

Damn, who am I kidding? The moment her learns that I'm one of the creatures he loathed the most, it will not take a second for him to have his gun pointing on my forehead. 

"Come on Kate we need to follow those wolves"Night said, grasping my hand. Sparks exploded at the sudden gesture and it almost sent me flying with it. 

Really Kate? At this moment you have the audacity to flirt?

"OK" I answered dumbfounded.Night noticed my discomfort but decided to shrug it off, much to my relief.

After hearing my response, we began running fast, with me trailing behind his back.

'Gosh is he a human??' Caitlyn asked.


'Can't you see he runs fast just like us and only werewolves can do that' she pointed out.

It took me a while to process her point when suddenly we heard another ruffling noise just beside us before a huge brown wolf appeared.It eyes are gleaming with red orbs, and without a second thought I already recognized who it was.

'princess, we need to go' he said through our mind link

'Do you even listen to every word I say?! I said go ahead before me. I'll be fine'

'What do you mean??'he asked

Crap.  So this only means that he's not here awhile ago

'Never mind just go! and run as fast as you can'

Just like the rest of the werewolves, he seemed to be reluctant about leaving me.
But they he tried to turn back and run but its too late,Night  already pulled the trigger and it hit his leg.

"Don't try to move our else I'll shoot you again" Night threatened in a very dangerous tone.

'Are you okay?'I asked him

'Yeah but a little bit painful' he said

'Don't move yet just...just wait for my signal okay?' I told him

"what should we do?? we need to help him escape"  I asked my Caitlyn.

"I have an idea" I can feel that mischievous smirk forming at her stupid jaw.

"What is it??" 

"Maybe it's about time to use your acting skills"


"Hey Kate are you okay" Night asked concerned.

"Night?? I feel dizzy"I said in a weak voice. 

I'm so bad at this.

"Okay just wait I'm coming" he said and approached  me just in time when I collapsed.

'GO!!' I shouted from our mind link then the brown wolf vanished without even Night noticing it.

"Night I'm sorry"

"for what?"

"Because of me the wolf escaped I'm very very-" before I could continue my word he cut me off by just putting his index finger on my lips

"Stop saying sorry it's not your fault and for me your more important than those wolves" he said while looking down at me smiling

 I kissed his cheeks and smiled at him too.

"Thank you" I said to him

I closed my eyes  and try to fall asleep thinking that

Our mate is not bad at all and...


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