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Kate's PoV


"I cant stay like this anymore!!" I yelled.

I'm already back in the mansion and has been waiting for Night the WHOLE DAY, since yesterday was the day that I visited my place.


I've done a lot of things already. Roaming around the mansion. Feeding the ducks.

 Believe it or not they have ducks here.

Cooking but well, it never ended nice because I almost burned the whole place down.So I have to hide from the people to keep them from scolding me. I've been dancing and creating crazy moves..singing at the top of my lungs,  daydreaming about One Direction and lastly, thinking about Night.

I wonder where he is right now. I've been dying to be with him since the first which is too stupid for me to not notice in the first place.  I wonder if he's just playing with me or what..but I wish he will not reject me. Because if so, I'd just rather die.

Geez what the heck am I even thinking?
He's my mate! He can't do anything as awful like that, right??

Its already 11 in the evening and I'm still awake and He is not yet HERE!

After a moment, I became exhausted. So I decided to end the night and go to sleep..until suddenly..I heard a howl.

The howl sounds mad and seemed like calling for someone and its very UNFAMILIAR. I never heard that kind of howl before. I knew that this wolf is never from my pack.

"Is it a rouge?" Caitlyn asked.

"No, I think it has company. Its not alone. I think he's calling for someone"

"Rouges can have company but doesn't have a pack right?"

I really hate it when she gets the right one.

"Yeah, maybe you're right"

I started to walk towards the window to look around.

No one.

"Could it be just my imagination or wha-"

Before I could even finish my sentence, the door flung open. Revealing a huge wolf coming inside.


In a split second, he's already plunging to attack me, willing to kill.

I tried dodging  his attack and ran for the door but he's faster. I growled in frustration so I did the last thing I've always been wanting to do.

"You wanna play a game?" I smirked. Pumping my knuckles, I let Cailtyn take over. I can feel my bones expanding at an awkward angle, as my fur began to sprout from my soft skin. Soon my soft white creamy fur gleamed at the moonlight as the rouge stared at me in awe.

 I took this as an opportunity to leap towards him and bite his neck.

He howled in pain while I growled in satisfaction.

But before I could even finish his life, he grabbed my back using his sharp pointed teeth  and slammed me to the wall.

I growled in pain.

"Caitlyn! He's too strong! We cant defeat him!"

But instead of answering, I found myself advancing for the wolf but was only swung outside the room through the window.

I could hear the shattering of glasses as I was thrown outside.

But before I landed painfully on the ground, I positioned myself so that I could land safely.

I looked up to see the big fat wolf leaping out from the window. It only took me a few seconds to run away.But the wolf really has an incredible strength. Even me who is a daughter of an alpha can't even overcome him!

I've been running away for at least 10 minutes already. I guess I've already missed him and he gave up on me.

I decided to hide behind a huge tall tree and rested.My white creamy fur is now covered with dark fluid that glistened at the moonlight. I assumed its my blood. My breathing became heavy and I can feel myself shrink.

"What now?" Caitlyn asked.

"I don't know" was all I said before darkness welcomed me.

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