Incoming part 1

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Obsession is something you should control. It may bring you to something big if you controlled it properly, yet it'll destroy you and turn you into something DANGEROUS.

That's what I think it is.

Obsession is a bitch.

I'm just glad that I dont hold too much of that.

I love Night, but not reaching to the point that I have to control him because he's mine.

I love him that's why I'm letting him do the things in accordance to his will.

I dont want to make him feel like he's trapped.

I'm not scared if he would leave me on my own.

I know its stupid. I love him too much yet It's like I'm not tying any chains on him.

It's like it's okay to me if he leaves.

Wonder why?

Because I trust him and I know that he'll never go away.

The wind brushed my cheeks as I sat on a bench at the park.I'm just alone to have sometime on my own. I just watched the children playing by the swing.Laughing cheerfully as one pushes the other to swing upwards.

I smiled to myself. I wonder how it feels to be a normal person.

But then again, it doesn't matter anymore.

Suddenly, a huge explosion occured from afar. The children stopped playing and started to run away, crying as they search for their mom. The others hurt themselves as they fall to the ground because of haste.

I was about to run forward to help them but a bomb exploded again, nearer this time. My heart started to race. The feeling of de ja vu occured to me as I took in what's happening.

People dying, houses burning, people fighting

Memories from the day of the Invasion started to flood back in my mind. Chills ran down in my spine as I recalled all those unwanted memories. The day my life turned upside down. The day I met my mate who WAS a werewolf.

"MAMA!! MAMA!!" I heard a child's cry. She was lying on her stomach. She has a gash on her forearm.

I was about to run towards her when I saw a woman reaching for her.

I guess that's her mom.

Her dark brown hair bounced as she reaches for her daughter. The child who has the same hair as her mother extended her arm as her mother scooped her to her arms.

Then I heard a howl.

My head snapped at the direction of the sound. Shit!

Dont tell me, that was Samuel?!

What the hell is he trying to do?!

Without hesitations, I sprang towards the woods where that terrible sound came from. I have to stop him! I have to!

Once I reached to a deeper side of the forest, I shifted into fours and let Caitlyn took over my senses.

"This prick is up to no good again!" She growled as we ran. Leaves slapped my face as we passed through the small trees and branches broke creating a loud crunching sound.

It took almost a few minutes before we heard a loud howl again. Caitlyn's ear quircked up then we're speeding to that direction on our fastest speed.


A voice stopped us dead in our tracks making us almost bump into a tree.

" Very beautiful"

It's him!

I warned.

Caitlyn just raised her nose to sniff the air, trying to locate where that bastard is hiding.

"Caitlyn.Kate.Caitlyn.Kate" He chanted like a madperson. This guy is crazy! He's still nowhere but I can feel him everywhere. How can he do that?! Caitlyn cant even catch his scent!

"Kate, I'm getting scared of him" Caitlyn whispered.

"Dont be! He's crazy and we can kill him easily because he's stupid"

Soon, a silhouette emerged from the woods to our left.

There he is. His hair now on its darker shade. His purple specked eyes glowing with delight as it stared at me with mischief. His hands and folded casually as if he expected me to come here. And shit just happened cuz I fell to his trap.

"You know what Kate? You're the first ever girl I fell inloved with. The first ever girl I only want for myself. The girl I wanted to be mine" He suddenly said his eyes not leaving mine.

"But unfortunately, everything's messed up. Night got you first." he stated sadly.

That made me think. What if he's right?What if, what if I met him first before Night? Will I fall inlove with him?

"But that doesnt matter now because I'm willing to take you away from him" he said smirking.

"Is there something you wanna say Caitlyn?" He said cupping his ear as a gesture that he's willing to listen to anything that I'll say.

But he knew that I cant. He's not a royalty and not my mate that's why I cannot communicate with him

Does he? Does he wanted me to shift infront of him?! WHAT A FUCKING PERV!

"Come on Kate. Shift now" he demanded.


Then without a word, I ran up towards him to brake his neck. But when I was about to reach him, he suddenly dissapeared. I didn't notice that he's already at the back and before I knew it, he punched my stomach-bare handed.

Stupid vampire genes!

Caitlyn caughed with blood and I winced in pain. This prick got me good time!

"Kate! he's too strong!"

"No he's not! Use your alpha skills and soon we already got him in no time!"

I reassured Caitlyn. She loves it when I do that.

I was about to stand up when a huge black wolf jumped on Samuel.

My eyes grew wide as saucers. This is the mysterious wolf!

He's biting Samuel's now bleeding arm before throwing him to a tree making it's trunk break and soon, shuffling of leaves and cracking of woods was heard as the tree slammed on Samuel's body. The black wolf turned it's head towards me and I think it's smirking.

Or am I just imagining things?

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