New Alliance

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"goodnight then. Just remember that your bestfriend is here for you. Forever."

That guy.

That guy.......he sounds so familiar, yet I'm not quiet sure if I had met him before.


"WHO IS HEEEE!!" I accidentally yelled at Night's face

It took me a few more seconds to process what I have done.

But staring at his face right now makes me wanna laugh instead.

His eyes are wide, mouth opened and shock is evidently plastered across his face.


I bit my lip as I tried to look away. I guess he'll ask me a bunch of questions about that guy.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT GUY?!" He yelled. Guess, I deserve it huh?

" Umm,, hehe,,no, just a forgotten memory I guess who keeps on bugging my mind lately"

He doesnt looked so convinced which makes me thought of facepalming my face.

"You know, its nothing. Really."

"No its not. I'm the one who'se been with you all this time and that-that imaginary guy who doesn't even exist can keep you off focus from me!" He spat. His knuckles were now turning white because of fisting them. His eyes were now on its darkest shade and perhaps, he's about to lose his wolf.

So just like what a normal mate would do, I held his face and made him look at me.

"Night, please dont be jealous. Its just nothing. I promise" I told him reassuringly.

Soon, his eyes are now back to normal and his tensed body already relaxed. Good.

I noticed that alot of people are now watching us with weird expressions.

I forgot, we were having a date here at the park. I can feel my ice cream melting but before I could even look at it, Night had wiped it away already.

" Come on, I think it's time to go home. It's been a long day, and I had fun" He smiled at me as he said those words.

"Yeah, me too" I grinned at him.

But a light footstep made my tiny ear quirk up and my head automatically snapped to its direction. I can sense that something is wrong to that place, and I assumed that Night can

sense it too.

"Kate? Is something wrong?" He asked concern evident on his face.

I guess he didn't notice huh?

Caitlyn suddenly muttered out.

"what do you mean?"

I asked through mindlink. Its been so long already since she talked to me. Things like this happens every once in a while already...I wonder what was happening to Caitlyn.

"He's here"

My eyes widened and without thinking, I sprang towards the woods where I heard the small footsteps.

Is he here to follow me? I wanted to know who he is!

I gotta find out who he is!

As soon as I'm inside deep in the woods, I transformed into my wolf form letting Caitlyn take over my control.

"Kate, he's near. Are you sure about this?" Caitlyn asked while running.

"Yes. My curiousity is killing me. I need to know who he is ! That's why I'm not gonna let this chance to just slip away"

Finally, we've reached into a clearing. It's surprising that there's a huge grassy place in the middle of this huge forest. But what surprises me the most is the figure sitting in the middle facing away from my direction.

A wolf.

My eyed widened as I took in its appearance.

This wolf. That familiar black fur. Then it turned around to face me. Those blue orbs.

It's the wolf that attacked me before. Is he? Is he who I think he is?

"Yes. It's him Kate" Caitlyn answered for me ad if reading my thoughts.

The wind blew hard making the tall grass dance with it along with our fur. I was about to take a step towards him when I heard a low growl.

I guess I knew who it is.

Sighing, I turned around and walked towards Van.

There he is, his deep blue eyes looked impossibly darker and His midnight black fur looked so intimidating that it already has because of the aura he's showing off.

But before we could even walk away, I looked back to see him again, but unfortunately, he's gone.

While running away on our fastest speed, only one question is left on my mind

What does he mean by Bestfriend forever?

Oh well, it doesn't matter now. Because I think, I found a new alliance...well, that's what I think.

I wonder what Night and Van is thinking again right now, but staring at his dark blue eys which is now close to turning black, I decided not to ask anymore.

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