The Havens

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After the debacle with her parents and distancing herself from them for two months, Eden unfortunately is summoned to their room again.

"Good afternoon, mom and dad. Yes?"

Speaking blandly, she takes a seat in the living room space.

"C'mon, Edee. Still, love?" Her father almost pleads with her in regards to her formalities.

"Eden, we're sorry. You know that right? It's just the way things have to be. Do you know how scared I was to leave River Run when your father and I were arranged?"

"Um, can you guys please just tell me why I'm here? I really don't care anymore, respectfully. It is what it is."

"Um, OK. Well Alpha Scott and Luna Asia contacted us this morning, and they would like to start the process. They would like you to move in by this weekend."

Feeling as if an invisible fist knocked the wind out of her, Eden inhales, it's more of a gasp than a breath. Probably to keep from passing out. Her eyes begin burning as her tear ducts work overtime like a factory worker, to increase tear production.

As her throat tightens, she gulps down the saliva that's consistency is more likened to glue than spit. She knew it would be soon, but she thought she at least had about three more months to really come to terms with everything. But no once again she's just being thrust into someone else's ideal plans for her life.

"OK. Excuse me."

Abruptly almost leaping to her feet, she tunes her parents' call of her name out as she speed walks to her room; before the tears start.

"Bentley, I'm so afraid I'm gonna lose my daughter! She hates us, Benny."

"Shh, E. It's just gonna take time."

"I-.I hope so because I can't lose my baby!"

Crumbling into her husband's arms Elise cries wreak havoc on her petite caramel brown figure. As her handsome chocolate husband brushes her thick voluminous sleek hair away from her face, she cries even harder. The reason behind the onslaught of tears is because she's petrified. Absolutely petrified that Eden may not receive that same tender gentleness and love.

That immeasurable amount of consideration and admiration from the man that is supposed to be her other half. To know the moon goddess made this beautiful almost perfect daughter for them, only for her to be doomed to a loveless marriage is eating Elise alive.


"Yes my love?"

"Do we really have to do this? Like-. Like what if we can keep the treaty and have Eden and Rome talk it out. Like who's to say he wants to be married! What if they just keep the treaty and don't get married?! Bentley, I can't make my baby go through with this!"

"Elise, baby I wish. I even danced around that at our monthly Allied Alphas Conference and Scott is not going for it. I mean shit, Rome was at the A.A.C and he didn't seem to object to the arrangement. And if he did, his poker face is impeccable. Mama the war we would have to fight would destroy so many innocent lives if we pulled out from a half millennium old treaty, it wouldn't just affect us. And I know it seems like we're sacrificing Edee' happiness, but like you said before there has to be a reason for it. Something positive. I'm praying."

" I just hate this."

Snuggling into Bentley's chest, Elise sniffles sadly.

Before Eden knows it a week has flown by. The house help has packed all her belongings and her room looks like a baron guest room. Barely a trace of her and definitely void of her personality and beautiful flare. Walking down the stairs to the car the Haven's have sent, Eden stops in the kitchen. Opening her arms to her, Elise waits for Eden to allow her to engulf her in a bone crushing hug.

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