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A/N.... sorry I didn't like 1st pov, so back to 3rd we go :)

~Emily's POV~

"Hey, have you seen Morgan? He's been gone for a while, and with him being keen on y/n having a secret agenda for this gala I'm worried about him." "Last I saw him was at 10:42, he was waiting by the east wing corridor entrance," Spencer answered with a hint of confusion.

Emily nodded her head and went to go and find the east wing entrance. Knowing they wouldn't let her in she had to play her cards right. "Hi, do you know where the east wing entrance is located?" She asked batting her eyelashes and feeling up the arm of the security guard.

Practically drooling the security guard told her, "Next hallway turn left darling," "Thank you so much!" She blew a kiss and quickly walked away before he could regain his senses.

To her surprise as soon as she walked around the corner she saw a seemingly drunk Derek relying on Amir Black and y/n to assist him.

"Oh good! Emily, you're here, now you and Fortino can care for him while I get back to my party." She smiled at Emily, softly placing her hand on Emily's shoulder as she walked by.

"So, you're the Emily I've heard so much about." She heard come from a strong French accent. "Yes! She is, isn't she more beautiful than I described!" Derek shouted while stumbling towards Emily. "This right here Black, this is the profound Emily Pren- Woah I'm dizzy,"

Derek put a hand on his head to stable himself while he continued, "when it comes to languages and kicking criminal ass, she's yo gal, but when it comes to relationship, tsk tsk tsk, she don't know nothing about nothing" he said with one hand on his hip and the other snapping in the opposite direction.

"Sorry I never got to introduce myself, Amir Black, and I already know who you are," he let out in a soft chuckle while shaking her hand. "Do you mind me asking what exactly you guys were doing that made Derek drink this much,"

"If I told you, I would have to kill you..." The silence that drew between them made the air thick. "I'm kidding, you should've seen your face," He started laughing and Emily let out a nervous chuckle. "but seriously, It was a private meeting that you'll know about soon enough, Derek just happens to not handle his alcohol, even though he looks like he would be able to."

Finally getting back to the area where the rest of the team was at they gently sat Derek down next to his drunk accomplice JJ. "There now both of you can keep each other comfortable while Spence watches over both of you." "What? why do I have to babysit?" Spencer argued adjusting himself in the chair, "Because, for the past 3 hours you haven't left that chair and the only thing you've been doing all night is playing word games on your fun,"

Spencer couldn't testify against that and simply agreed. Returning to Mr. Black, Emily was confused about how she seemed to be the topic of the 'secret meeting' "Why again was I the topic of interest between you, Derek, and y/n?" "Well if you must know, it started off with a person whose name will be unannounced, commented about that marvelous gown of yours', somewhere along the conversation Derek mentioned how y/n has seemed to take a high interest with you." upon hearing of this made Emily raise one brow.

"Why the confused face?" He asked while studying her face. "It's just that many people on my team seem to think that, and it's absurd. For god sakes, we just met last week! Frankly, that's a little short to decide that one must have an interest in someone." responding to her statement he mentioned, "It took me about 2 seconds to decide that I like you, after seeing you help out your intoxicated partner, and since you are part of the group of people who helped save her company, I'm going to guess she has many reasons to like you."

At his words she stiffened up, "Relax, I have a wife, and secondly, Y/N is one of my closest friends, and everytime your name was brought up, her posture changed and she had a slight smile on her face."

Upon hearing this made Emily's entire body relax, now that she knew Y/N liked her, she just had to wait for her to make a move- or decide to make the first move herself.

Seeing Emily overthink he stated, " you don't have to worry about making the first move, I'm sure she's already made it, you just haven't noticed yet."

"How did you-" "Derek, he mentioned how you were oblivious you were" they both started laughing at this.

They chatted for a little longer and as the conversation was dying down Mr. Black started to walk away, "hey can I ask you a question" Emily said making him turn around. "Why are you helping me when we've just met?" "Like I said, Emily Prentiss, I like you, and I can tell Y/N likes you too, have a good evening" he finished while walking away.
~Amir Black's POV~

"Black!" Upon  Who was that?" "Just a friend, no need to worry, she's not a threat. Now, have you got the money?" "Of course!" In front of him was 3.8 millions dollars stored in a single briefcase. "This is why I can always count on you Claude." 


Word Count: 931

Okay my loves, sorry I've been gone for a while but i hope these two chapters make up for it, also yes, I am aware of me dragging on this gala and I promise you, it finishes next chapter.

Okay see you in the next chapter, love you lots- K.

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