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~David Rossi's POV~ 1st person

"Oh! Agent Rossi! This is William, he's a big fan of your work." Y/N said while looking between me and William. There was something off between the two of them. The older-looking gentleman looked uneasy but made sure to tower Y/N.

I noticed his hand on the middle of her back- almost as if he was making sure that she couldn't leave. He must think non of us saw how he forcefully grabbed Y/N's arm before coming here.
~no one's POV~ 3rd person
William stretched out his hand to greet Rossi. "It's a pleasure to meet you, I've read all your books and have listened to many of your wonderful talks." This caught Y/N by surprise. Rolling her eyes she let out "stalker much" thinking no one could hear her. This caused a reaction from the team making them all burst except for Rossi and William.

He didn't take lightly to being embarrassed and Y/N took great pride in that. Now from an outsider's perspective, it would seem as if they are a married couple with many, many issues. But if you look closely Y/N's relationship with her father truly defined the person she had become.

"This must be your team- the ones who saved Y/N's business." William knew targeting her for being weak would draw out emotion from Y/N and he loved seeing sparks fly.

Before anyone of the team members could reply Y/N intercepted, "Yes they are that team, and how did you know that they were the ones who helped Archinature? You weren't even there- nor do you read the news?" She questioned.

"Oh Y/N I thought you would've known by now I always keep tabs on you." This response left the team nonplused, they didn't know what to do or how to respond to that so they just sat still.

"You have stalker written all over you." She replied slightly shifting in her heels. Her body language was studied closely by Morgan.

"While you say stalking, I say caring."
"That is literally the definition of stalking."

"Actually the exact definition for stalking would be the act or crime of willfully and repeatedly following or harassing another person in circumstances that would cause a reasonable person to fear injury or death especially because of express or implied threats it comes from the word-" Spencer rambled on
"Kid!" Morgan cut him off, giving him a sign to read the room.

"All I'm saying is, I like to keep track of the people I'm doing business with, I need to make sure their reputation is clean, and you have a killer at your business certainly aroused question from the legal team." William said defensively.

At the perfect time Y/N's work phone went off from her purse. "Excuse me it's work, sorry for this," looking William up and down with disgust, "encounter" Y/N said leaving the team with William.

Did she feel bad leaving them with her excuse of a father- yes- would she want to be in their shoes- no. But her memory was sharp, and with all the things her father rambles on about, she knew for a fact that he has never once mentioned Agent Rossi- or any of his books. Not trusting her father Y/N waited in her car until she physically saw the team leave.

"Marco, I just sent you my location I need you and your men here asap, it's my father." Y/N said while on the phone with Marco. She knew he understood perfect and would get there in a matter of 5 minutes.

Back in the restaurant the team remained silent, they didn't know exactly what to do and were now put in an awkward situation.

"Actually Agent Rossi, I have one question, actually this could be answered by any member of your team," he said looking around the table. "how would you define the difference between a serial killer, and an assassin with no assignment?"

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