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"Garcia, are you sure this is where you want to go?"
Penelope picked Emily up from her apartment around 8 and they went to a club that she found

"Yes, Emily, don't let the line discourage you. I'm sure we'll get in in no time. Emily was intrigued by how her friend thought they would be getting in with a line of more than 100 people.

"What's the name of this club?" Emily asked pulling out her phone. "Busto Giù, why?" She started calling someone on her phone.

"Hey!... I know it definitely is a surprise for me to be calling... oh no she's not with me right now... you know how I said I can always ask for a favor"

"Em who are you calling?" Garcia was very confused.

"I'll send you the address... perfect you're already in the area... 5 minutes perfect see you soon!"

"Do you want to explain who that was now?" "You'll see, they should be here soon." Garcia stopped asking questions and just went along with the flow now.
-5 minutes later-
"Emily Prentiss." A strong French accent said behind them

"Amir, thank you so much for coming! This is Penelope Garcia, I believe you met her a few months ago?" They started walking to the front of the line. "Oh yes, your personality is very, how do you say, bubbly."

"Yes, that's me." Garcia said in her usual happy tone. "I'm so sorry you ladies had to be standing in this line, I thought we had fixed the line problem by now, but don't worry, just follow me." As they neared the front of the line, Black whispered something to the bouncer and went inside.

The loud music and marvelous interior enthralled them. Garcia said, "I'll find us a table." But she was quickly stopped by Black. "Nonsense the VIP area is right over there. I would never have such ladies mingle with the commoners." He sent a wink in her direction.

"I could get used to this," Penelope said as Black escorted her and Emily to the VIP.

"I'll be right back, enjoy" with that final statement he left them to do their own things.
~Amir Black~

"Hey Black, you entertaining those lovely ladies up in VIP I see?" Maddox Frame. A close friend of Black and the bartender manager at Busto Giù.

"More like FBI agents that I need to keep out of the loop." He ordered a shot of whiskey. "I have a meeting here in 10 minutes with Rodney and his men. "

"Ah, so you gave them VIP that way they wouldn't be anywhere near your office." Black tapped on his temple, "I always knew you were smart." as he walked away, he added, "Let me know when Rodney arrives, send them to the back, and free drinks for those lovely ladies over there."


Pen and I had taken to the floor when Get Low came on. we had both started grinding on each other while singing along to the lyrics

To the window to the wall
'Til the sweat drop down my balls
'Til all these bitches crawl
'Til all skeet-skeet, motherfucker
'Til all skeet-skeet, goddamn
'Til all skeet-skeet, motherfucker
'Til all skeet-skeet, goddamn

While dancing a few guys came up to us but we continued to drive them away by giving them the lesbian excuse. Worked like a charm. After the song was over we made our way to the bar.

-3rd POV-

"I see you ladies are enjoying yourselves on the dance floor." Maddox said while pouring them a line of shots. "Oh, I really shouldn't" Emily started off but quickly was interrupted by Penelope. "We'll do as many shots as we can!" Garcia was giddy and ready to forget about the horrors she saw during the week. "By orders of the owner, it's an open bar and a fun night for you two ladies."

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