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"Nice to see you too sis."

"Kinda offended that I wasn't the first person you see when you come back to town?" Y/N said lightly smacking Claude on the side of his head.

"I told you I was coming back a few weeks ago!" He replied rubbing part of his head.

She glared at him knowing he never told her.
"Okay fine! I told Vanessa, I thought as your personal assistant that she'd reciprocate the message."

"Vanessa has a million and one things to do. I specifically told her not to bother with visits unless it was mom or dad."

Malika stood there awkwardly watching the two siblings bicker.

"If I may, Claude was here to collect his case briefing," Malika said holding up the yellow manila folder.

"Yea! Remember when you sued me? My lawyer needs that information, and I said Malika could pick it up and I would get it from her." he said pointing at the folder she was holding up.

"You got off this time." Y/N said making direct eye contact and pointing toward the door.

He was taken aback. "The level of disrespect for you to kick me out of a home that isn't even yours." he put the hand not holding the envelope on his heart. "It really be your own family?"

"Would be true if I wasn't the one actually kicking you out." Malika started nudging him out the door. "You two are so rude." he puffed leaving the two laughing.

As soon as she closed the door she turned around to meet y/n. "So why are you here?" she asked leading them to the living room.

"I can't come and see how my best friend is doing?" Y/N answered. "Don't take this personally, but you haven't called, texted, or visited in 4 months... and every time I did call, or text you; it went straight to voicemail, or it was Vanessa. So correct me if I'm surprised by this surprise visit. You know I found out about your date with Emily from Black." she crossed her arms over her chest.

"I know, and I'm sorry, and I'll make it up to you." Y/n said pausing for a second, "How did Black know where I was?"

"You are aware that your butler is the world's biggest gossip, right?" Malika said letting out a small chuckle. "But I am glad you're here."

Y/N studied her friend a little closer. "There's something you're not telling me," Malika rolled her eyes. "Damn your senses. You won't like it."

"Mal, just say it."

"Your father called." Y/N let out an annoyed sigh. "He said something about a deal between the two of you not yet finished. I don't know I toned him out and hung up." Malika looked at her friend, trying to read her expression. There was nothing to read. For as long as Malika knew y/n; y/n had the best poker face of anyone she ever knew.

"I know what it's about and he doesn't seem to understand that I've retired." Y/n said acknowledging the buzz coming from her work phone.  "So you do know how to answer your phone?" Malika asked with a smirk.

"It's work," y/n replied getting up from the couch. "Hey, Vanessa, what's up?"

Do you know a Grayson Triton? "Depends, why do you ask?" Y/N was confused because him and luna were supposed to be in Toronto right now.

Well, he's here at the office and he says he needs to speak to you urgently. I was just calling to make sure he wasn't some crazed fan.

"He definitely is crazy, but let him know I'll call him as soon as possible." Y/n hung up the phone returning to her conversation with Malika.

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