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6 Years Ago

"Letter for Y/n y/l/n" an unfamiliar man said at the receptionist desk of Archinature. Without looking up from the screen in front of her the receptionist took the letter.

"Don't you want to know what it's for?" the man questioned surprised at the girl's lack of awareness. "If I checked every letter that went to Ms. y/l/n I wouldn't be able to do my job." she said placing the letter next to her.

"You know what," he took the envelope back, "I'll just take it for you."

"Sir, you don't have access..." Before she could finish, he had disappeared.

On his way he bumped into Carlos, y/n's secretary, knocking the papers he was carrying out of his hand. "I'm sorry, let me get that for you." he offered.

While using the distraction of picking up papers the man was able to unclip the security access card from the man's left breast pocket. "Thank you." Carlos acknowledged before heading off to his previous location.

y/n it would be best if you upgraded the security here.  He whispered to himself twirling the card around his fingertips. After reaching the 65th floor he entered y/n's office to find her standing above her latest designs.

"Your presence is requested at the dock." he said without introducing himself.

"Gabriel, I wondered when my father would send his muse." Y/n answered still looking down.

"Please that insults me. I hate that man with every fiver of my being, but this deals with our task at hand. You know your security here sucks right? What happened to Tony and Marco?" He walked up behind her to glance at the designs over her shoulder.

"Don't worry, I'll complete your trio tomorrow. 12 o'clock correct?" she picked up the tablet next to her to make sure she didn't have any meetings at that time.

As he was heading out he mentioned one last thing, "Oh, and there's some professor William wants you to meet, I heard she's a bitch. Look at that, something you already have in common."

Ignoring his sarcastic comment, she returned to her work. "Natalia, clear my schedule for a full week, I'll be out."

"Do you want for this week or next week?" Natalia, her assistant asked into the intercom connecting the two.

Y/n thought about that answer for some time, "both."
The Next Day

"I wish I could say it was good to see you all, but it would've been better if it were in different circumstances." William addressed the group in front of him. 

Pricilla Ricci, Jeremy Dykes, Professor Diana Martin, Vita Miller, Dr. Harris Rinaldi, Marco Ramze, Tony Gruielle, Gabriel Francois, Amir Black, and Y/n y/l/n were gathered at the table before him.

Behind William was a smartboard that had photos of the man who had risen to the top of his list. Gianni Tuvito.

"This man, Gianna Tuvito, is the reason you are all here today. He has now cost me men, supplies, money, and space." He clicked to the next slide showing the aftermath of a recent event.

"This is the shipment yard that was located on the outskirts of Serenje, Zambia. I specially selected this location because of the quietness, and isolation."

"If it's so isolated, how did he find it?" Marco asked looking at the file in front of him.

"That's exactly what we're still trying to figure out. Dr. Rinaldi and his team are in the process of replicating the weapons that were stored there." he looked towards the scientist, I hired at least 300 of you, I expect to have even more artillery than before."

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