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The girls went shopping at an outlet mall on the upper side of DC. "We need to get you an outfit, fix your hair, get you shoes." Garcia was giddy about getting Emily ready for her date. "What's wrong with my hair? And there is no need for all this when it isn't a date." Emily said with a slight tone of annoyance

"Emily! Please! this is a date whether you like it or not, and nothing is 'wrong' with your hair... it could just use some touch-ups, that's all." JJ advised rolling her eyes. "Ok but before we go, could we at least go to my favorite coffee shop before you start bombarding me?" She inquired.

They made their way towards Black Dog coffee before starting their mission. "I promise you guys will love it" she exclaimed. Much less to her surprise was the unexpected visitor from New York. "Wait! That's her isn't it " Garcia squealed.

"Yes Garcia that is her, but it looks like she is busy, so please can we carry on with what we were doing." she pleaded. "I thought you said she was in town for meetings?" JJ added. Emily brushed it off, she didn't know anything personal of y/n and wasn't going to push it.

As they finally got their coffees, being the person she is Garcia ushered them to a booth behind y/n. "Garcia! This is stalking!" Emily said in a hushed yell." "Shh!"

As soon as they sat down the person y/n was with had just gotten up to leave



Looking down at her watch she saw an incoming call from no other than Malika. How'd it go? "Great actually, she bought it, of course!" How did you manage to sell her in less than 2 hours? continuing their conversation she decided to actually order something off the menu for herself.

"More like 4 hours, she wouldn't stop rambling, but it was cute, she was nervous." First-timers usually are. "What was it like your first time?" How could I forget, my father already bought the house and all I had to do was sign. "My apologies, I forgot I was talking to a daddy's girl." Oh shut it milf money! "Milf money? That's a new one" Yes it perfect for you and all your sugar babies. "Me, and all my sugar babies will gladly enjoy my life with or without you. Now, whether or not you want to continue using me for food, that's a you problem." Wait, why were you being a real estate agent today? "Well I need to sell my design and who better to do that than me?"

Makes sense, oh, I have to go, but reminder, I'll be arriving later this evening to help you plan for your date tomorrow or whatever you're calling it. "Booked a spa day for the majority of tomorrow from 8-2, so don't plan on doing anything else."

They finished up their conversation and y/n went on with the rest of her day. A familiar feeling of eyes lingered on her, yet she just brushed it off.



"Garcia, why did you have us sitting so close to where she was having her meeting?" Taking a drink of her double shot expresso she replied, "Just in case she saw you, that way it wouldn't be as awkward as 'hey I haven't talked to you for two weeks, let's go on a date!' you know what I'm saying?" this made Emily and JJ laugh, they both knew that for the most part, the date would be somewhat awkward given the lack of communication between the two.

"I believe we have long exasperated the time spent in this coffee shop, let's do what we came here to do." JJ addressed as they arose from their seating collecting their belongings.

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