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"I always win."
"You're as stubborn as your mother, and I will not take to that." William said while rolling his eyes.

"Wait, you two aren't ex spouses?" Derek asked wide eyed.

Both Y/N and William slowly turned their heads to his direction- giving him a confused as hell face.

"Fuck no! He's my poor excuse of a father." Y/N said looking William dead in the eyes. "And she's my ungrateful brat of a daughter." He replied.

"William, I know what you're doing, and it's too late- and so help me god if you do not walk your ass on out of here in the next 2 seconds I WILL hurt you!"

She announced while pointing to the door. "We'll if you know what I'm doing than you know the consequences for hurting me." He said while wiggling his brows.

Meanwhile outside Marco and his his crew had successfully disarmed all of William's guys. At this time Aaron was pulling up with Anderson.

"Anderson I need you to go inside wearing this," he gave him a translucent ear piece. "Once you're in I need you close enough to hear what they are saying but make sure you keep a safe distance so you're not suspicious."

Aaron said sending Anderson off.

Marco and Tony- his best friend- had just finished gathering all of William's men.

"Uh Marco, more feds?" Tony asked tapping on Marco's shoulder. They were on the roof and had a clear view of down below and could see 2 federal cars.

"I don't know why Y/N keeps messing with feds... she could get us all killed." Marco responded walking towards the middle of the roof.
"Hell I think it's smart, having the feds in our corner, that is the only reasonable explanation."
While the two men continued on about why Y/N was becoming acquaintances with federal officers; the two federal officers were trying to remove their friends from the hostile situation.

"I'm sorry what was your name again, we never got a last name?" Rossi said trying to put William in a more friendly

"Wait are you being serious, if you know her last name then you know mine..." he responded.

"How would he know your last name, I took mom's name." Y/N responded mentally face palming herself.

Looking around he saw Emily just shrug her shoulder's and Derek start admiring the interior architecture of the restaurant.

"Cilvanni, William Cilvanni." He responded clearly annoyed. "Why would you change your last name, names mean something, do I not mean anything to you?" He questioned Y/N

"As I've been saying for the past 10 years... no you don't mean anything to me." She replied emotionless.

At this point Y/N was getting annoyed with William and she had an early flight tomorrow. Grabbing his ear she yanked him to the ground. She had to make sure she did it gracefully because she wasn't sure of how secure her glock was. Even though it was strapped inside of her pants, on safety mode, she still had to be careful.

William only knew how to hit and talk because he always had his gum on him, he never cared much to learn martial arts. This helped Y/N tremendously.

He was quick to jump to his feet but she swiped his legs causing him to lose all balance and fall again to the ground.

Anderson witnessing all, signaled for the rest of the agents to follow him out of the restaurant. They quickly grabbed their belongs and left Y/N to deal with William. They knew she knew what she was doing.

"Hotch!" Reid said as soon as he saw him. "You got the message from Morgan?" "No, JJ called me earlier when she excused herself to the bathroom." He said while checking up on the startled agents.

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