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"Alright, Questions,"

Y/N had successfully removed all distractions, hopefully, and was ready to truthfully explain almost all questions the agents had for her.

"Since you are highly trained in martial arts, why didn't you use that to escape when you were kidnapped? And from its looks, why did you allow yourself to be kidnapped?" Morgan started using his hand to emphasize his question.

"First, She drugged me, I wasn't compliant, and she did take me by surprise. Second, I sensed no danger given the situation, I studied her movements and played along with her delusion as best as I could in the state I was in. As to why I didn't use my skills to get out, I didn't deem the situation worthy, not that I've been in any situation worthy, but before I knew it you all showed up." Y/N laid out her response and tried to make it as believable as possible for the profilers.

Y/N was exceptionally talented at gaining money, but she was even more talented in the art of lying. She knew she couldn't tell the agents the truth, the truth that her men were already in the house with Y/N and were ready to shoot Natalie by her orders way before the police had gotten there.

"This really isn't related to last night but something I heard about you and your upcoming club." JJ jumped on the opportunity to clear all speculations about Y/N while they still could.

Just before Y/N could get a response Amir Black came in.

"I can answer that question for you darling, sorry I know you said this was important but... I'm impatient." Black took the chair nearest Y/N reaching for her hand. She slapped his hand away while not looking at him. "Agent Morgan, do you remember that meeting?" Everyone turned their head toward Derek, but he just shook his head no. This made Black and Y/N laugh.

"Oh right, you became highly intoxicated. Anyway, Y/N and I had a meeting with our financial advisors. We needed to know how much money we were going to invest in her club. She didn't need my help, but I like to expand myself no matter how small."

Y/N could see this was going nowhere and interrupted him. "To cut to the point, yes I am opening a club, and the meeting was about trying new alcohol that had never been sold in clubs before, hence why Morgan was so drunk, he loved it." "One thing I remember is earlier that night, when we walked in the meeting, one of the men referred to you as art. I'm asking about this because Mr. Black referenced buying something expensive?" Morgan adding to the conversation.

"I did, buy something expensive, we were also looking at expensive art to add to the club, and my wife, Daisy, wanted me to buy new art for our home." Putting his hands up in defense Morgan finished saying, "That answers my questions."

They continued with their conversation, Y/N letting them ask more questions than she would like, only to lessen suspicion about herself. throughout the conversation, Reid kept looking at Amir looking at Y/N. During some of the intense questions, Black would hold his breath waiting to see what Y/N would come up with. After the team deemed the questions as satisfactory, he would let out a sigh of relief.

"I have a question," Reid spoke up, "Um Mr. Black why is it that through any 'hard' questions we ask Y/N you hold your breath?" Black wasn't aware of this action and therefore didn't know how to reply to this question. "I'm sorry, I don't know what you're referring to." He started to adjust his tie.

"I noticed that too, could this have anything to do with you knowing something we don't about Y/N? Or does it have to deal with the fact that you're in love with Y/N?" Hotch asked never breaking eye contact with Amir. This caused a gasp to come from Charles, who they forgot was still in the room, "As soon as you walked in the room, your eyes targeted Y/N and you made sure to grab the chair closest to her, subconsciously scooting closer to her every second. "

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