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The sound of her heels echoed throughout the concrete hallway. With a clipboard seated under her left arm and her phone in her right hand; she walked with a purpose. Y/n had gathered her closest crew of men and women to discuss the matter at hand, but most importantly... what to do about it.

As she entered the four-digit code, she only had one question on her mind. "Where did she go wrong?"
"Are you ready to go in Ms. Y/l/n?" The voice behind her asked.
"As ready as I'll ever be."
The steel metal doors opened allowing the questions to start flooding.

"Y/n why are we here?"
"Does this have anything to do with him returning?"
"We only use this room in case of emergencies, this better be an emergency!"

"I think we're all missing the big question here..." Black said standing up to address everyone in the room. "What is Vanessa doing here?"

All eyes shifted towards her with the awkward silence that followed.

"Amir, sit down." Y/n instructed, taking her seat at the head of the table with Vanessa standing closely behind her.

"6 years ago, I made a decision; a decision in which the consequences have now come to light. I killed Imogen Tuvito with the help of Marco and Tony."

"So we're all paying for a decision you made? what sense does that make?" Vita questioned

"As much sense as Vanessa being here. She shouldn't even be hearing any of this!" Amir persisted

"My plan was perfect, and it would've gone perfectly if it wasn't for you! Selfish as always." The professor grumbled.

"Your plan went perfectly, Gabriel and I cross-planned before I did anything," Y/n said giving Vanessa the clipboard in her hand.

"Gabriel, you were part of this nonsense as well?"

"What can I say, she's compelling," he shrugged.
"Back to business, we did kill Imogen-"
"Well, there's something we didn't know." The professor interrupted.
"We killed her for 3 minutes and 56 seconds."

A series of "whats" floated around the room. "For 3 minutes and 56 seconds, the state of New York constituted Imogen Tuvito as dead. At 3 minutes and 57 seconds, Imogen Tuvito consumed a new identity and mourned her death."

All ears were alert at the news that was being delivered.
"Her new identity," she gestured to the outcast in the room, "Vanessa Spruill."

The room suddenly turned silent. No one knew exactly what to say not ask. Out of fear, they may say the wrong thing, but mostly out of confusion as to why y/n would risk everything trusting the daughter of her father's worst enemy.

"Since no one wants to ask," Amir said standing up-

"Amir if you say one more word I will personally cut out your vocal cords. I wasn't finished speaking." She shot him a deadly glare that meant she truly didn't care for anything he had to say. She slowly paced around the room.

"Now some of you may be thinking, Why would she risk the secrets with this stranger? Why would she help the sole reason we're in danger? And most importantly." She stopped back at the head of the table. "Why the hell would she be so close with someone who would put her daughter at risk?"

Everyone's heads nodded in unison as she pretty much summed up what they were going to ask.

"The answer... non of your business. What I chose to do to represent my half of the company; who I chose to extract; and why I chose to do it involve the people involved and them only."

"Then why are we here if you won't give us answers?" The professor protested.

"Because we have a very real and persistent threat. Gianni and his men have relocated close to the boundaries of the London base. Who lives in the London base?"

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