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New York Penthouse 6 AM

2 days later

"What took you so long?"
"You know how slow commercial is." Y/n said grabbing a glass from the counter.

"Since when do you fly commercial? And why on earth did it take you 2 days to get here?"

"Since you started ordering me in New York ASAP Grayson." She spat. "And do you know how many things I had to move around to be able to be here? I only came for Luna."

He walked up to her in front of the counter that stood between them. "He's back..."

"How far?" She asked. She stopped moving the glasses and faced him.

"He and his men are scattered around the city of London; even with that being a 5-hour drive. I couldn't take then risk, hence why I brought Luna to Toronto." Grayson explained using his hands to send the message.

"He doesn't know about Luna..."

"No, but I didn't want to give him the chance. You know... an eye for an eye." He raised an eyebrow hinting he knew more than she expected.

"You weren't supposed to know that." She said with a clenched jaw.

"A psychotic sadistic killer is targeting you and our daughter! Because of what you did years ago. You didn't think I was supposed to know that. Besides, your father told me, after you refused to explain why I needed to alert you if I ever heard the name Gianni Tuvito."

"Last I had heard he was locked in a cage in an undisclosed location on high surveillance." Y/n answered.

"You say 'undisclosed' as if you hadn't visited him there before. You only thought he would never escape but you doubted his men's abilities.  Like father like daughter."

She heard a voice come from the living room that she didn't want to hear.

"What is he doing here? I'm my home?"
She turned to him with a scowl plastered across her face. "I thought I made it perfectly clear I never wanted to see you ever again!"

William came from the couch in the living room. "When the security of my grandaughter is compromised, I don't care how many times you need to see me."

"Woah," Grayson stopped William with his hand. "We don't know that yet."

"Like hell we do." William spat back. "God Y/N, what did you even do to him to come for our daughter? Isn't that a line that you don't cross?"

"To be fair, his daughter was y/n's age..." William said in defense with his hands up. "What the hell did you do to him?"

"William, can you leave?" Y/N said slumped over the counter resting her head on her hands."

"I know everything there is about Gianni, why would I leave."

"I wasn't asking." Y/N said

"Well, it sounded like a question-" He replied

"Leave!" both Y/n and Grayson shouted.

He finally left them alone.

"Follow me." she directed leading him to her security room.

She entered the code and fingerprint leading them both to enter the room. "You keep your past cases missions in here-?" Grayson said unimpressed. "Just shut up." she interrupted. Y/N then pulled on a red and black book on the top shelf of a shelf. This shelf opened to a steel door with a password and eye scanner. She entered the code and scanned her eye. The door didn't open yet, instead, a swab came from a slit in the wall. she took it and swabbed the inside of her mouth and placed it in the tube that was placed next to the slit. After the analysis was complete the door opened and revealed a room full of filing cabinets.

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