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"Oh my God, my head is killing me." Emily thought to herself as she felt her eyes open. As she slowly tried to get up, she felt as if the bed was pulling her back in.

This cloud sure as hell isn't my bed... the mattress adjusting to her every position, the pillows themselves, while firm enough to provide position, allowed her head to sink him. While her body was effortlessly comfortable her head was on fire.

She looked over and saw a note on the nightstand with water and some pills.

Hope his helps with the hangover-Black

Shit! This is Black's bed! No wonder it was so comfortable . "Ah, you're awake, I thought you died." A low rumble voice said from the doorway. Emily quickly jumped out of bed, but was soon to discover she wasn't in the same clothes from the night before.

"You look startled. Why don't you take a second and come downstairs when you're ready. Your friend Penelope is waiting for you in the kitchen."

Okay... so nothing happened? After making the bed and taking the much needed hangover treatment, Emily made her way towards the kitchen. Well, after asking people she saw on the way there.

"There she is! Told you she wasn't dead yet." Black said from his counter as he was serving orange juice to Garcia. "Em, you have to try these pancakes, they're to die for!" Emily made her way towards Garcia.

"Can we please stop all the yelling?" She held her head in the palm of her hand to try and relieve some of the pain. "I'm only repaying the favor after all your screaming last night!"

Shit, so something did happen?

"I'm not that hungry, but thank you." Black placed a hand on her shoulder, "Please don't insult Marcelo, just try something. You yourself said how you liked to try new things." Reluctantly, Emily picked up her fork trying the assortment of foods laid out in front of her. The mix of sweet and savory immediately engulfed her mouth. The freshly squeezed strawberry lemonade tasted like a new discovery. Before Emily knew it, she began digging in, the hungover hunger fading away.

After their meal, Emily and Garcia dabbed the corners of their mouth with a cloth. "You have to tell me where you and y/n get these amazing chefs!" Penelope exclaimed.

Amir let out a chuckle. "Monsieur Marcelo, ces jolies dames ont adoré votre délicieux petit déjeuner. Pourriez-vous appeler Liam, nous avons notre réunion avec Balenciaga à 17 heures." Marcelo came out from the chefs kitchen with a smile on his face. Pleased that he could once again make people happy with his delicious cooking. "Oui, Monsieur." He then turned around to leave. "Your cars are out front, Sean and Isabela got them for you this morning. Feel free to leave or stay as long as you like, but this is where I bid adieu." With his final statement he left them and went to his office.

"With a place like this it truly would be a shame-" Garcia started off, "If we didn't explore? I was thinking the exact same thing." Emily linked her arm in Garcia's as they started their tour. "Merci pour le petit déjeuner monsieur Marcelo." He waved then went back to his kitchen.
"Are you still upset about this morning?" Grayson asked with a chuckle as he entered her office. "Is lunch ready yet? And did Daniel get Luna's special request?" She kept her head down focused on her work.

"Yes and yes. Y/n," he put his hands on the arms of her chair to turn her around. "Look at me. I don't see what the big deal is."

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