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"You are a radiant piece of work. I could stare at your beauty every day. You're delectable, extravagant, a work of art."

"Do you talk to your food like that on a regular basis?"

"Malika, please! you are ruining the moment." Black said as he took a bite of his sushi. "That sushi was supposed to be for the two of us! Your fat ass ate almost the entire plate! Malika said as she playfully smacked him on the side of his head.

"Damn woman, will you relax? I ordered  us another plate. Now sit down and eat because you only get grumpy when you haven't eaten." Black replied reaching for another piece but was swatted away by Malika.

"Have you heard from y/n recently?" Black asked taking a sip of his water. "That would be an understatement." She responded

"Wait, you two are like bread and butter, you never go 2 days without talking to each other." he added. "I mean, I guess it's a miscommunication on both our behalf, she's been busy-" "and I've kept you busy." Black interrupted.

"You're nasty." she laughed reaching for a slice of salmon. "When you do speak to her though, should we tell her about us?" Black questioned.

Although they had been spending a lot of time together; they never officially defined a label.

"Depends, is there an us?" Malika put her chopsticks down and looked straight at Amir. This was to let him know that she was serious about the question. "Malika Stride, you are my ex-wife's best friend. You are very much off-limits. But I would love for there to be an us." He expressed taking her hands in his.

"No need for that sappy shit, I just needed an answer." She looked away so he couldn't see the smile that was growing on her face. "Speaking of Y/N, I heard she is taking Emily on a date tonight in New York."

"Who'd you hear that from? Malika said half paying attention because she was looking at an email on her phone. "James." he added "Wait," she's taking Emily on a date..." "yes" he looked up at her confused.

"In New York?" Malika started panicking. "Right now, at this very second?" She started furiously texting someone on her phone. "Stride will you calm down? What's the matter?"

"The matter, Amir, the matter is that Lilah is spending the night with her boyfriend, who y/n hasn't met yet, in New York, in y/n's apartment!"

She began to call Lilah hoping that she would answer before it was too late. "I thought Lilah wasn't coming to the states until next month?" Black was now confused, "She arranged to come a month before her semester started and I told her she could stay in New York with Christian until then."

"Malika, how would y/n not know this? Christian runs everything by her." Black was now panicking too, not for Lilah's sake, but for the poor boy who would be chopped liver by midnight. "Apparently Christian is on holiday and has been for the past 3 weeks." Malika was now very worried because Lilah wasn't answering.

"Come here." Black called for her, "What?" "Come here" he called her again. This time she went over to him without saying anything. She sat in front of him and he began massaging her back to cool her down. He found out that massaging her back could easily get her to calm down in stressful situations.

"A. Lilah will be fine, that boy however will be dead. B. Lilah isn't going to rat you out. And C. this sushi is going to get warm and you won't eat it. And I refuse to waste good sushi woman." This made Malika let out a giggle.

After a few silent moments of Malika eating sushi, and Amir massaging her back- Malika finally felt at ease.
"I have no idea how you found this, or how you found out that I would love this. But I'm in love!"

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