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They got in around 11 pm that night. Along with the 1 hour drive from the airport. "I forgot how much I missed it here."

"Will you be working on this visit? Or have you handed your company to Black for the time being?" Charles asked as he was scrolling something on his phone.

"Black has it all under control, ArchiNature will not fall today." They both laughed at her reply. They were seated in the morning room as one of the butlers had carried their belongings to their respective rooms. they continued their conversation until they heard the sound of someone coming.

"Damn, when Ethan told me you were here I thought he'd lost his mind." Grayson Triton, if there is one person that could easily set y/N off, it was Grayson Triton.

Starting from the days of their elementary education, Grayson and Y/N have 'hated' each other. It was in their competitive spirits that they had to one-up each other in everything they did. He is known as the 3rd richest man in the UK and is a top bachelor.

"I keep forgetting you're here." Y/N said rolling her eyes. "Where else would I be other than living with our daughter?" He had a smirk on his face, "that's your job." Y/N knew the game he was playing at, "funny coming from the man that doesn't pay any bills and drives my cars. I wonder, do your tramps of the week know that you live in a borrowed house with cars that you don't even own? Oh, but what can they expect coming from the 3rd richest man... not even the 1st." Before Grayson could respond Charlie cut in.

"Grayson! I see the place hasn't fallen apart yet under your supervision." He said as he got up to give Grayson a hug.

"Charles, always good to see you again. Although I always wonder why you stay with... her?" He side eyed y/n.

"How the hell you two have a child together? That I'll never know." Grayson went to hug Y/N from behind while she wasn't looking. "Because she loves me too much and she confessed her love to me." He held on tight that way Y/N couldn't escape.

"I despise you." She finally freed herself from his grasp "You adore me". "Other way around dumbass." She flicked the side of his head. "I'm going to sleep now." Y/N got her phone and went to her room to get some sleep before seeing her daughter in the morning.
~Emily The Next Morning~
10 AM DC
Emily woke up the next day feeling refreshed she did all her paperwork the night before and Hotch gave them all an early start to the weekend.

She started her day by making a fresh pot of coffee and listening to her morning playlist. Emily felt the need to wash the events of yesterday out of her head. With all the horror she sees in her daily life, she always needs to be reminded of the good the world has to offer.

She decided to take her favorite steed out for a morning run. She woke up at around 6 that morning, making sure to go when the sun was not up yet. Y/N knew how to ride a horse before she could walk. All throughout her youth, she found comfort in riding.

The purpose of the ride was mostly to enjoy the crisp morning air that the country had to offer. The subtle mist coating the ground. The rolling hills stretching for miles gave her a painting of the sun peeking from over the horizon. Halfway through her ride, she stopped in a field of wild tulips; specifically selecting the white ones to give to her daughter to represent the pure heart she still had. Not yet allowing the world to corrupt it.

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