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She had just gotten home and the first thing she wanted, no needed, was to sleep.Y/ N had already showered on the plane and was exhausted from the busy weekend she had. The sight she saw as soon as she entered her room made her heart swell. There, sweetly dreaming was Luna; next to her was a bouquet of roses with a card att ached.

Y/N couldn't help the smile that crept on her face at the sight. She picked up the card and read:
Welcome home to the best mom
I love you the most

Love Luna

Y/n's heart filled with love as she gently placed the flowers on her nightstand, she went to her closet to find a set of pajamas to wear. After doing her skincare routine, she crawled into bed placing a gentle kiss on Luna's temple.

The Next Morning

Y/N woke up to Luna aggressively jumping on the bed and falling on her, "oh god" Y/n let out an exasperated breath as she felt the full weight of her daughter's knee on her stomach
"Luna, please don't try and kill me before you graduate kindergarten." Y/n picked up now fully awake. "You're awake! The day's almost over let's go!" Luna practically dragged Y/N out of bed and straight to her bathroom. "We need to get this mommy and me day started and you're sleeping it all away." Y/n glanced at the time showing 8:05.

"You sound exactly like your grandmother you know that?" She chuckled, "Have you eaten yet?" Luna shook her head no, "Go in the kitchen and politely ask Ms. Gracie to make you breakfast." Luna did as she was told allowing Y/n a moment of peace before their busy day together.

Ms. Gracie was Luna's long-time nanny who's looked after her since she was one. Y/n knew she had about 30 minutes before Luna slipped from Ms. Gracie's grip and back into her room.

~30 minutes later~
Y/N finished getting ready as soon as Luna ran back into the room.

Y/N kept it simple sticking to a monochromatic green ensemble with light blue Nike's to pop

Y/N kept it simple sticking to a monochromatic green ensemble with light blue Nike's to pop

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"You ready my love?" She asked Luna while spraying hits of her Tom Ford Soleil Blanc. Luna was so excited just to be spending the day with her mom. She wore an oversized white top with red accents tucked into her jeans with her red Nike.

 She wore an oversized white top with red accents tucked into her jeans with her red Nike

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