💀🚧 Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan (1997 - )

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Alternative Title: Kishibe Rohan wa Ugokanai ( 岸辺露伴は動かない  )

Author: Araki HIrohiko

Artist: Araki Hirohiko

Genre: Mystery, Supernatural

Status: Ongoing



The spin-off focusing on Kishibe Rohan, an eccentric mangaka with the ability to read people's memories, an ability called "Heaven's Door." He seeks out the supernatural to see for himself what his mysterious ability is all about.


I guess the title is pretty self-explanatory. It is basically JoJo but focused on Rohan's adventures.

The updates on this manga are very random but if it ever releases one, it's always worth the hype. The themes can also be random too but of course Araki never failed to give an interesting anecdote.

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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